TheNational Center for Health Workforce Analysis projectsa 9 percent nursing workforce shortage through 2036. The problem will be particularly acute innon-metro areas, where the shortage is expected to grow to 14%. The ten states with the largest projected RNshortages in 2036 are: Georgia (29%), California (26%), Washington (26%), NewJersey (25%), North Carolina (23%), New Hampshire (23%), South Carolina (21%),Maryland (20%), Michigan (19%), and Oregon (16%).
Thecurrent shortage is about 250,000 and is expected to grow to a shortage of 350,00full-time registered nurses in 2026.
TheNational Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA) collects data, conductsresearch, and generates information about the U.S. health care workforce toinform and support Public- and private-sector decision making. Learn aboutthe NationalCenter for Health Workforce Analysis.
Legislationproposed by Rep. Bayer (D-VA) calls for 20,000 nurse visas for ruralshortage areas. Unfortunately, thatlegislation has probably been introduced too late in this congressional term topass both houses of Congress before the term ends on December 31, 2024.