OnSeptember 18, 2024, USCIS issued a news alert that LawfulPermanent Residents (aka Green Card holders) who properly file Form-I-90 toreplace an expired or soon-to-expire Green Card will receive an automatic 36-monthextension, as opposed to the previous 24-month extension.
Receiptnotices received on or after September 10, 2024 for Form I-90 should nowinclude updated language granting Green Card holders the automatic 36-monthextension. On September 10, 2024, USCIS began printing amended receipt noticesfor individuals with pending I-90s.
Toevidence their lawful status, Green Card holders may present the updated I-90receipt notice with their expired green card. This will allow Green Cardholders to continue working and traveling, despite experiencing long processingdelays to replace their expired Green Card.
LawfulPermanent Residents who no longer have their Green Card are not eligible forthe automatic 36-month extension, but they may request an appointment at aUSCIS Field Office by contacting the USCIS Contact Center in order to obtain anAlien Documentation, Identification, and Telecommunications (ADIT) stamp toprove their status while waiting to receive their replacement Green Card.