On March 16, 2023, USCIS announced that theywill beginissuing Alien Documentation, Identification, and Telecommunication (ADIT)stamps through the mail forqualifying Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs).

An ADIT stamp provides temporary evidence of LPRstatus and can be requested in situations where a LPR cannot rely on theirGreen Card for evidence of status. An ADIT stamp can be requested when:

  1. The LPR no longer has their GreenCard; or
  2. The LPR’s Green Card expired while aForm I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card; Form I-751, Petitionto Remove Conditions on Residence; or, Form N-400, Application forNaturalization is pending and anyautomatic extension of their green card has also expired.

Previously, a LPR had to make anappointment with a USCIS field office and have their passport physicallystamped to obtain an ADIT stamp. Now in qualifying cases USCIS will issue ADITstamps by mail.

 Thenew procedure for obtaining an ADIT stamp through the mail is:

  1.  The LPR calls the USCIS contact centerat 800-375-5283 and explains why they need temporary evidence of LPR status.
  2. The LPR identifies themselves andprovides their mailing address. At this time, USCIS will check whether themailing address provided can receive UPS or FedEx express mail. Since USCISwill issue the stamp via UPS or Fedex, a P.O. Box should not be provided as themailing address as P.O. Boxes only receive USPS mail.
  3. If USCIS determines that the LPRqualifies to receive an ADIT stamp through the mail, then they will mail a FormI-94 with an ADIT stamp, DHS seal, and a printed photo of the LPR from USCISsystems.

In cases where there is an urgent needfor an ADIT stamp, USCIS will provide an appointment at a Field Office.Additionally, USCIS will not issue an ADIT stamp via mail if they cannotconfirm the LPR’s identity or address, or if they do not have a useable photoof the LPR in their systems.