The Consular ElectronicApplication Center (CEAC) is the online platform where one submits fees, forms,and documents to the National Visa Center (NVC). In the last two months, MU hasobserved two primary malfunctions on CEAC. Please note, these malfunctions areseemingly random and do not affect every case.

The most prominent malfunctionprevents the payment of IV fee bills, causing delays for many cases. This malfunctioncauses CEAC to reject fee bill payments or causes payments to be “in process”for long periods of time.

MU has submittedinquiries to the NVC about the payment malfunction, requesting a solution. Inreply, the NVC stated it is working to correct the malfunction. The NVCprovided no estimate for when it would fix this malfunction.

The second malfunctionmislabels dependents as Follow-to-Join instead of Accompanying, and vice versa.This prevents the completion of case, even if fee bills have already been paid.

MU has submittedinquiries to the NVC about these and other malfunctions but has yet to receivea response. MU is working to resolve these issues through other contacts andhopes the NVC will act soon to move the cases forward.  If you have questions about your specificcase, please contact your MU attorney.