OnSeptember 28, 2022, U.S. Citizenship andImmigration Services (USCIS)issued a news alert, announcing,effective September 26, Lawful Permanent Residents who properly file Form-I-90to replace an expired or expiring green card will receive an automatic 24-monthextension, as opposed to the previous 12-month extension.

Receiptnotices for Form I-90 should now include updated language granting LawfulPermanent Residents the automatic 24-month extension. USCIS is in the processof printing amended receipt notices for those individuals with pending I-90s.

Toevidence their lawful status, Lawful Permanent Residents may present theupdated I-90 receipt notice with their expired green card. This will allowLawful Permanent Residents to continue working and traveling, despiteexperiencing long processing delays to replace their expired green card.

Ifan individual no longer has their Green Card, they will need additional evidenceof their lawful permanent resident status while waiting to receive areplacement green card.