On May 24, 2022, the Health Resources & ServicesAdministration (HRSA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services updatedtheir list of tests and scores acceptable for foreign healthcare workers. Thisfull list can be found here.

Upon this HRSA update, CGFNSInternational, Inc. stated that starting August 1, 2022, CGFNS will acceptadditional English exams for the VisaScreen process. Currently, CGFNS onlyaccepts the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFLS) and InternationalEnglish Language Testing Systems (IELTS) for the English exam requirement ofthe VisaScreen.

CGFNS will be issuing anannouncement of the full details of the additional tests and score requirementson August 1, 2022. CGFNS has confirmed that they will accept the OccupationalEnglish Test (OET) and Pearson PTE Academic (PTE) for VisaSceen purposesstarting August 1, 2022. CGNFS has also stated that they will accept PTE andOET exams taken before August 1, 2022, as long as they are still valid on August1, 2022.

Acceptance of these additionalEnglish exams only applies to the CGFNS VisaScreen process, each state stillhas their own requirements for state licensure.