On December 13, 2021, theDepartment of State (DOS) issued a temporary finalrule that provides flexibility for consular officers towaive in-person appearances and in-person oath requirements for certain repeatimmigrant visa applicants.
Immigrant visa applicants whomeet the following criteria, may not need to make another in-person appearancebefore a consular officer for an interview, execution of their application, oroath:
(1) the immigrant visawas issued on or after August 4, 2019;
(2) the applicant didnot travel to the United States on the immigrant visa; and
(3) the applicant seeksand remains qualified for an immigrant visa in the same classification as theexpired immigrant visa.
Consular officers still havediscretion to require applicants that meet these requirements to appearin-person. This temporary rule is in effect from December 13, 2021 throughDecember 13, 2023.