Musillo Unkenholt LLC continues to monitor theCoronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely and how it may impact our teams,clients, and operations.  The health and safety of our staff is ofprimary importance.  Here in Ohio, the governor has taken the extraordinarystep of not only closing all schools, but also closing all restaurants and bars.  Theexperts are telling us that the one thing that we can all do to fight thespread of this disease is to reduce social contact.
Similar to many of the unprecedented changes takingplace here in Ohio and across the globe, MU is enacting a new work policy aimedat reducing social contact. 
Starting Tuesday March 17, we are asking allemployees to mainly work from home.  Employees will come to theoffice in 2-hour daily shifts in order to photocopy, scan, print, and fileimmigration petitions.  By reducing our employees contact with eachother by two-thirds, MU is doing our part to emphasize social distancing.
Employees will still be working regular hours andso while some inefficiencies are inevitable, rest assured that all petitionswill be timely filed, with priority given to urgencies and legal deadlines.  Wehope that all MU clients and friends stay safe during this unprecedented time.