The DOS’ CEAC webpage underwent amassive terminology change.  As of March5, 2020, all CEAC status that had said “Administrative Processing,” now says“Refused.”  According to anupdate on the DOS’ CEAC website indicates that this is a termination changethat is not an actual change to anyone’s visa applications’ status.
From their webpage: “There has been nochange in such applicants’ actual cases. This is an administrative change tomore accurately communicate case status to applicants.”
Here is the full statement:
Visas: CEAC Case Status Change

Last Updated: March 5, 2020

On March 3, 2020, the Department of State made an update to theConsular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website, our online portal forvisa applicants. A visa applicant whose case previously displayed as being in“Administrative Processing” on his or her case status page now displays asbeing “refused.”

There has been no change in such applicants’ actual cases. Thisis an administrative change to more accurately communicate case status toapplicants.

Visa applicants whose case status on CEAC had previouslydisplayed as “Administrative Processing” had been refused under section 221(g)of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Although some refusals under INA section 221(g) can beoverturned, the change in the CEAC correctly reflects that the applicant’s visaapplication has been refused.  That status may change if the applicant candemonstrate to a consular officer he or she is eligible for a visa or ifinformation comes to the attention of the consular officer from other sourcesthat resolve any outstanding issues relating to the applicant’s eligibility forthe visa.

The applicant should refer to the instructions the consularofficer gave at the end of the visa interview and to formore information about his or her case.