The Department of State’s VisaBulletin guru, Charlie Oppenheim, hosts monthlymeetings with the American Immigration Lawyers Association. CharlieOppenheim is the Department of State’s Chief of the Control and ReportingDivision. He is the officer who is responsible for producing the Visa Bulletineach month.
This month’s Check In With Charliefeatured predictions about EB2 and EB3, which are the most popular categoriesfor readers of this Blog. Here are someof this month’s highlights:
Categoriesin which final action dates will remain the same include-
EB-1 China and India;
EB-2 India;
EB-3 China and Philippines;
EB-4 El Salvador, Guatemala andHonduras, and
EB-5 China.
Categories with modest advancements-
EB-2 China will move forward onemonth to September 1, 2014;
EB-3 India will advance threemonths to May 1, 2008;
EB-3 Other Workers China and India willadvance one and three months respectively, to May 1, 2007 and May 1, 2008; and
EB-4 Mexico will advance roughlyfive weeks to October 22, 2016.
It is likely that mostemployment-based final action dates will hold at their May dates for the monthof June with some changes possible in July. What occurs is entirely dependenton demand that may materialize, and continuing consultations with USCIS. Thewildcard this year that could cause unanticipated fluctuations in the finalaction dates is the pace of USCIS field office processing of I-485s.