To little fanfare, L. FrancisCissna was finally swornin as Director of the USCIS. Pres.Trump originally nominated Cissna in April. There was little news coming out of Washington explaining the delay inCissna’s appointment. The lack of informationled to plenty of speculationabout the delay. Cissna served invarious capacities within the Department of Homeland Security, most recently asthe Director, Immigration Policy within the DHS Office of Policy,
Delayed appointments are nothing newfor this administration. The DHS hasbeen without a leader since Secy. Kelly became Pres. Trump’s Chief of Staff in July. The administration finally nominated KirstjenNielsen earlierin October, more than two months since Secy. Kelly’s promotion.
Axiosdid not have favorable reporting on Ms. Nielsen,
“Nielsen is not a beloved figure atDHS; just as she wasn’t inside the White House. She has a very sharp-elbowedapproach to doing business and doesn’t command anywhere near the respect thather predecessor, Kelly, did, according to more than half a dozen sources who’veworked with her.”