Comejoin us as MU Law explores the latest legal topics on the H-1B Cap 2017 &the Trump Administration by hosting a free educational webinar
Who’s Invited?
Clients& Friends
June29, 2017 @ 3PM / 12PM PT
TheWebinar will take place on Livestorm.co
Please click the link below to register
Pleaseregister for the conference at Livestorm.co
Youwill be provided a link for the event once registered!
Thisyear, the H-1B cap was reached in the first week with approximately 199,000petition filings. Our webinar will feature in a range of topics including:
Alternatives for employees not chosen in this year’s CAP;Preparing your employee for the consulate interview; H-1B Dependency Rule &Issues with staffing companies; H1-B Amendments; Site Visits, and more.
Thewebinar will also have a special update on the new Trump Administration. MULaw’s Chris Musillo, who has recently traveled to Washington DC, will providean update on what potential changes will be coming to employment-basedimmigration considering the new administration and recently issues memos.
Thewebinar will last for approximately 90 minutes, including a liveQ&A session at the end.
We hope to see you there!
Formore information on the agenda of the webinar, please see below. Thank you.
- H-1B Cap
- Alternatives for employees not chosen in this year’s CAP
- Preparing your employee for the consulate interview
- On-boarding an employee
- H-1Bs in 2017
- H-1B Dependency Rule (LCA & 50/50 rule)
- H-1B issues for Staffing Companies and Third-Party Placements
- What is Third-Party Placement v. In-House work?
- March 31, 2017 Computer Programmer Memo
- Rescinds the December 22, 2000 Terry Way memo issues to the Nebraska Service Center
- Implications for future H-1B filings
- H-1B Amendments
- Short Term Placement Rule (30-day rule)
- Amendment pending but employee is now moving to new work site. What is the Employer’s strategy?
- Employee is still abroad but work site changes
- Pending H-1B CAP case but the assignment no longer exists
- Site visits
- How can the Employer prepare for a site visit?
- How can you prepare your employee for a site visit?
- Immigration in the era of the Trump Administration
- Traveling and Consular Process
- Potential regulatory changes
- Potential legislative changes
- Q&A