What is the new policy?
All applicants forthe FCCPT Type I Certificate must now hold a diploma that says the word “Masters”.  If you have a diploma that says “Bachelors”you will not be eligible for the Type I Certificate.  Also, an applicantmust have at least 202.1 credit hours.
When does the new policy go into effect?
It is effective immediately.  If you have a pending Application before theFCCPT, they will be returning your Application and issuing you a refund.
I have heard that the standard may be againraise to a Doctorate of Physical Therapy. True?
Yes.  It is expected that if you apply for the TypeI after January 1, that you will need to have a DPT in order to qualify for theType I.
But when I graduated from University, theAmerican standard was a lesser degree. Am I “grandfathered in” under the old standard?
Unfortunately theUSCIS is taking the position that the Application filing date is controlling,not the date of graduation.
I have a Type I that is expiringshortly.  Should I be concerned?
No. Renewals do NOT examine education, only licensure verification and proofof English proficiency.
Why is the USCIS doing this?
The USCIS’decision was predicated on a number of misunderstandings and inaccuracies.USCIS’ decision to terminate FCCPT accrediting these international programs islargely based on flawed assumptions around required coursework hours and degreetitles. 
Is anyone doing anything to try and changethis new policy?
Yes.  There is a concerted effort from stakeholdersto educate the USCIS about the problems with its new interpretation and themassive impact on US patients and on internationally-trained Physical Therapists.