Donald Trump’s immigrationreform plan is centered on three principles:
1. Anation without borders is not a nation.
2. Anation without laws is not a nation.
3. Anation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation.
The most well-known of Mr.Trump’s immigration proposals is to build a wall on the Mexican/American borderand ensure Mexico pays for this wall. Mr. Trump proposes to obtain this payment from Mexico by:
– Impounding all remittance payments derived fromwages earned by workers who are illegally in the US
– Increase fees on all visas issued to MexicanCEOs and diplomats
– Increase fees on all border crossing cards
– Increase fees on all TN visas
– Increase fees at ports of entry to the US fromMexico
Mr. Trump intends to implementthe following actions to ensure current American immigration laws are enforced:
– Triple the number of Immigration Customs andEnforcement (ICE) Officers
– ICE Officers will work with local gang taskforces; ICE Officers must place detainers on any undocumented immigrants theyencounter in the jails and prisons
– Require e-verify for all employers; currentlye-verify is an optional government program
– Mandatory deportation of all foreign nationalswith any criminal history
– Discontinue catch-and-release programs; atpresent individuals apprehended at the border are detained and then paroledinto the US until an immigration hearing. Mr. Trump proposes detention until the hearing.
– Individuals who overstay the term of their I-94card will be subject to criminal penalties
– Cut off federal grants which fund any sanctuarycity programs
– End birthright citizenship; children ofimmigrants born on US soil would no longer be US Citizens
Mr. Trump contends that ourimmigration policy has destroyed America’s middle class. As a result, his reform proposals seek tocontrol the admission of new low-earning workers to the US. Mr. Trump’s specific policy proposals forlong-term reform include:
– Increase prevailing wages for H-1Bs
– Require companies to hire American workers first
– Require immigrants to prove, before entering theUS, that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare, and other needs
– Eliminate the J-1 training visa and replace itwith a resume bank for inner city youth
– Increase standards for admission of refugees andasylum-seekers
– Immigration moderation: before new green cardsare issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employerswill have to hire unemployed workers already in the US
Please note this post summarizesonly the points available on Mr. Trump’s website regarding immigrationreform. Speeches, interviews, or othermaterials are not captured here.