InFebruary 2013, the USCISlaunched a new Immigrant visa fee of$165.00 for Consular Processed Immigrant Visa (green card) appointments. This fee does not apply to I-485, Applicationsfor Adjustment of Status.
Applicantspay online through the USCIS website after they receive their visa package fromDepartment of State and before they depart for the United States.
USCIShas now simplified the process for payingthe USCIS Immigrant Fee online in their electronic immigration system. USCIS says that the revised payment processreduces the amount of information an immigrant must provide to USCIS.
Notably,anyone can now pay the fee, as long as they have the immigrant’s AlienRegistration Number (A-Number) and DOS Case ID.
TheUSCISImmigrant Fee is required for individuals immigrating to the United Statesas lawful permanent residents. USCIS uses this fee to process, produce, anddeliver Permanent Resident Cards (Green Cards).