The Senate is controlledby Republicans who are odds at how to handle the real and perceived problemswith the H-1B visa.  One group ofSenators, led by Sen. Orin Hatch (R-UT), recognizes the obvious: that the H-1Bvisa quota is an enormous hindrance to the US economy.  Sen.Hatch’s solution is to increase the quota while maintaining protections forUS workers.  Sen. Hatch’s bill, theI-Squared bill, has support from Senators in both parties, with co-sponsorshipfromeleven different Senators.  It is therare piece of legislation that has support from a diverse group of Senators. 

This sensible coalition recognizesthat an increased H-1B visa cap is necessary. There is noreal evidence that the H-1B drives down US workers’ wages.  

The other side of thedebate is spearheaded by Sen. Grassley (R-IA), with Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) riding alongside.  Neither Senator is actually interested ingetting legislation passed, as evidenced by the fact that neither has actuallyintroduced any legislation.  They areonly interested in rabble rousing.  Earlierthis week, they held a hearing on the H-1B visa, which amounted tonothing. 

Sen. Grassley’s plan seemsto be able to force amendments to the I-Squared, whose support is growing.  He has done this many times in the past.  These amendments will only increase the regulatoryand legislative headaches that lawful staffing companies already face.  The companies that take advantage of looseenforcement will continue to do so.  

It is in the Senator’s best interest to keep the H-1B bill alive and well.  How else can he tell the protectionists how bad it is?