In July 2014, theUSCIS published and released a Memorandum aimed at clarifying the USCIS’position on the approvability of H-1B Registered Nurses.  The Memorandum updated the long-standing 2002Johnny Williams USCIS Memorandum on the same subject.  The July 2014 Memorandum did not provide anysubstantive guidance beyond than the 2002 Williams Memorandum.   It paid lip service to the idea that USCISofficers should remember that, “there are some situations, however, where thepetitioner may be able to show that a nursing position qualifies as a specialtyoccupation”.
Oddly, the July2014 Memorandum disappeared from the USCIS’ website shortly afterpublication.  Some practitioners hopedthat that USCIS had reconsidered the Memorandum and would issue a Memorandumthat provided concrete instruction and examples.
Unfortunately, theUSCIS has finally republishedthe Memorandum.  It is identical tothe July 2014 Memorandum, except the date of the Memorandum is now February 18,2015.
An article that MULaw posted in July 2014 includes a link to the July 2014 Memorandum and ananalysis of the missed opportunity. Rather than restate the arguments that we made in that article, wewill just point you there.