The Department ofState has just reduced the price that it charges for an immigrant visa NVC FeeBill.  The new fee is $345, which is decreaseof $60 from the old rate of $405.  It isa steep reduction from a few years ago when the NVC Fee Bill charge was $720. 

The new, lower feeis effective September 12, 2014.  Feesthat will decrease are not refundable.  Ifyou paid a visa fee before September 12, 2014 and that fee decreased, the NVCwill not issue a refund.

Many other fees associatedwith the visa process changed on September 12. Some nonimmigrant visa fees increased. For fees that will increase (nonimmigrant fees only), Visa fees paidwill be accepted 90 days after the new fees go into effect.

  • If you paid yourvisa fee before September 12, 2014, and your visa interview is on or beforeDecember 11, 2014, you do not have to pay the difference between the new andold fee amounts.
  • If you paid yourvisa fee before September 12, 2014, and your visa interview is on or afterDecember 12, 2014, you will be required to pay the difference between the oldand new fee amounts.