Project to project, location to location, client toclient.  Many of our clients regularlyrelocate as their jobs demand.  Areminder that whenever you change your home address, we ask that you contactour office so we can update our records. Most immigration forms require that we list your home address and wewant to make sure that we have your correct address.
In addition to updating our law firm, you’ll need to reporta change of address to the USCIS within 10days of moving.  You can update youraddress with the USCIS by filing a form AR-11 in hard copy or online.  Please note that if you have an applicationcurrently pending with the USCIS you must update your address online to ensurethe new address is assigned to your pending application. 
You can obtain the change of address form fromthe attorney or paralegal handling your case or on the USCIS website Complete the information requested on theform, including present address, last address (most recent only), A number orregistration (I-94) number, country of citizenship, date of birth, and yoursignature.  You do not need to includetemporary addresses as long as you maintain your present address as yourpermanent residence and continue to receive mail there.

Whenfiling an AR-11 either online or in hard copy you should always keep a copy ofthe confirmation page and/or the form itself for your records.