AILAimmigration attorneys have reported seeing RFEs questioning information postedon social media and other websites. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets are publicand available to USCIS adjudicators. USCISis reportedly searching the internet for information on companies and employeesbefore approving cases.
Thingsto keep in mind regarding online postings:
· Employeesassigned to third party worksites who list the end-client as theiremployer. This can cause the USCIS toraise questions regarding whom the actual employer is and who maintains theright to control the employee’s work. Besure to list your H-1B employer as your employer on your social media page.
· Anyinformation on a company’s website which contradicts the H-1B petition,including the address of the company headquarters, vendors or other clients thecompany works with, etc. can cause the USCIS to issue an RFE asking foradditional information about the Petitioner.
· Negativecomments posted on social media or other customer feedback websites may causethe USCIS to investigate the company more fully before approving the case.
· Employeesassigned to third party worksites who list the end-client as theiremployer. This can cause the USCIS toraise questions regarding whom the actual employer is and who maintains theright to control the employee’s work. Besure to list your H-1B employer as your employer on your social media page.
· Anyinformation on a company’s website which contradicts the H-1B petition,including the address of the company headquarters, vendors or other clients thecompany works with, etc. can cause the USCIS to issue an RFE asking foradditional information about the Petitioner.
· Negativecomments posted on social media or other customer feedback websites may causethe USCIS to investigate the company more fully before approving the case.
MU suggests that H-1B employees are accurately listing their employment on social media andthat your company website is accurate and up-to-date.