The US Congress will begin its summer recess tomorrow. Like schoolchildren, they take much of the summer off. This year’s promised Comprehensive Immigration Reform has now been tabled until after they return in September.
The Senate has done its job. It passed a bi-partisan immigration bill by a healthy margin, which included both good and bad things for the healthcare industry.
The Republican-controlled House has stalled. The lower-level House Judiciary Committee has passed a small business based immigration bill, the SKILLS Act. Will the full House move on a bigger Comprehensive bill in September?
Some see hopeful signs. Immigrants and employers are pressing their concerns directly to House members, who have returned to their home districts for the Summer Recess. Some Republicans leaders, such as Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and one-time Vice Presidential hopeful Paul Ryan (R-WI) reportedly have been working behind the scenes to encourage colleagues to produce a bill.
Hopeful these efforts can lead to a productive autumn.