As expected, the FSBPT today announced that the NPTE-i (formerly the NPTE-YRLY) will be given twice in 2011, starting with the first NPTE-I exam on May 25, 2011 and the second in December. The exam will be given in all 50 states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

The NPTE-i expected to be substantially similar to the regular NPTE.

Here is the calendar of important dates for the first exam:

November 1, 2010 – Registration opens with FSBPT
November 8, 2010 – Scheduling opens with Prometric
February 22, 2011 – Registration closes
March 15, 2011 – Last date for jurisdictions to approve PT candidates for NPTE-i
April 1, 2011 – Last date for candidates to schedule with Prometric

May 25, 2011 – TEST DATE NPTE-i PT
June 8, 2011 – Scores reported to jurisdictions

It remains to be seen how the State Board of California reacts to this announcement, since the NPTE-i does not comply with the two alternatives that California outlined in its recent letter to the FSBPT.