USCIS Selects Additional FY2022 H-1B Cap Registrations
The USCIS has conducted a third round ofselections in the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 2022, filed in March 2021) H-1B Caplottery. This is a historic first for the USCIS since implementing its new H-1Bonline registration system in 2019, as it has previously only conducted tworounds of selection.
While there are only 85,000H-1B cap-subject visas available, over 308,000 registrations were entered intothe selection lottery for FY2022. The USCIS will continue rounds of randomselection until it reaches the 85,000 H-1B quota. The initial selection wasconducted in March 2021, and the second round in July 2021. All selections arefor registrations entered into the FY2022 H-1B cap lottery in March 2021.
Registrations selected inthis latest round will now have a selection notice available on either theirmyUSCIS account or their attorney’s myUSCIS account. All H-1B cap petitionsfiled based on this third round of selections must be received by the USCIS byFebruary 23, 2022.