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The Trump administration isrescinding its new guidance blocking internationalstudents from staying in the United States whiletaking only online classes.

The U.S. District Court Judge announced July14, 2020 that the government and plaintiffs had reached a resolution in alawsuit brought by Harvard University and MIT.

The Trump Administration will rescind itsJuly6 rule that said foreign students on F-1 visas would need totake at least some in-person courses in order to legally remain in the U.S. forthe fall 2020 semester.

Seventeen states and the District ofColumbia had sued the Trump Administration over the guidance.  The Trump Administration received heavycriticism from both colleges and universities as well as members of Congressfor the policy.  Late last week 99members of Congress sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security andImmigration Customs Enforcement urging the agencies to withdraw the newguidance.


On July 6, 2020, ICE’s Student and Exchange VisitorProgram (SEVP), announced that for the Fall 2020 semester, it would prohibit F-1 students fromattending fully online schools or programs and taking a full online course loadin the United States. Students attending fully online schools or programs mayonly do so from outside the U.S., but can remain Active in the Student andExchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).
If a student is outside the U.S., heor she may not enter the U.S. on F-1 status if the student’s school or programis operating entirely online. This applies even if a student has alreadyobtained a Form I-20 for the Fall 2020 semester.
A student may study in the U.S. ifthey transfer to a school that consists entirely of in-person classes or ahybrid model (combination of both in-person and online classes). However, thestudent must depart the U.S. or transfer again if the school changes to a fullyonline model at any point during the Fall 2020 semester. If students are not incompliance with the new guidance, deportation proceedings may be initiatedagainst them.
By August 4, 2020, designated schoolofficials (DSOs) must update and reissue ALL Form I-20s that have been issuedfor the Fall 2020 Semester to certify the school meets the requirements of thenew guidance.
DHS will publish this rule shortlywhich could clarify some of the situations faced by students that are notaddressed in ICE’s press release. In particular, the current guidance does notaddress the effect of the new guidance on students employed on OptionalPractical Training (OPT).  On July 8, Harvard and MIT filed a lawsuit against DHS and ICE seeking atemporary restraining order of the new guidance, and on July 9, 99 members ofCongress sent a letter to DHS and ICE urging the agencies to withdraw the newguidance.


President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation stop theissuance of H-1B, L-1, J-1, and H-2B and dependent visa stamps at Embassies untilDecember 31, 2020.  For a detailedanalysis of the visa of the Proclamation and the visa classifications impacted,please review our previousblog post.
On our June 30,2020 webinar we reviewed several situations in which visa holders may now findthemselves due to the Proclamation.  Belowis an FAQ to help employers and employees navigate travel and visa issues underthe Proclamation.
Q: My employee is in the US on an H-1B right now.  The employee does not have a validvisa stamp in her passport.  Can theemployee leave the US?

A: NO – H-1B workers who are in the US and do not have a validvisa stamp should not travel outside the US. Without a valid visa stamp, the worker will not be allowed back into theUS.
Q: I have a valid visa stamp in my passport.  Can I travel overseas?

A: YES – Those who are in the US and have a valid visa stamp cantravel abroad, provided they return to the US before the expiration oftheir visa stamp.
Q: My employee is overseas and had an appointment at the Embassyto get a visa stamp in July 2020.  Willmy employee be able to return to the US?

A: NO – Visa stamps in the effected categories will not be issueduntil after January 1, 2021, or perhaps later.
Q: My employee’s spouse and child are outside the US for theirregular summer visit to their home country. The spoues and child were able to visit the Embassy in May and obtainnew visa stamps.  Will my employee’s spouseand child be able to return to the US?

A: YES – The spouse and child can enter the US if they have validvisa stamps in their passports.

Q: My employee is abroad right now and does not have a valid H-1Bvisa stamp in his passport.  However, hedoes have a valid B1/B2 tourist visa stamp in his passport, can he travel tothe US on his B1/B2 stamp?

A: MAYBE – but this is not recommended.  The employee cannot work in tourist status soa change of status to H-1B would have to be filed once the employee enters theUS.  The employee cannot return to workuntil this change of status is approved by the USCIS.
Q: My employee currently holds a green card.  She is outside the US and plans to return inJuly 2020.  Can she return on her greencard?

A: YES – the April Proclamation exempts US Legal PermanentResidents from the ban.
Q: My company has filed a green card case for our future employeewho is a nurse.  We are a staffingcompany and do not yet know at which of our client sites the nurse will beassigned to work.  Can the nurse enterthe US?

A: MAYBE – Under current interpretation, the nurse may enter theUS on a green card for any reason.  Later this summer, the TrumpAdministration may narrow the ban and require nurses to be treating patientswho are currently hospitalized with Covid-19.
Q: My employee is currently in the US working for my company onOPT as an F-1 student.  My company hasfiled an H-1B for this employee which was selected in the H-1B lottery and iscurrently in process with the USCIS. Will the H-1B be impacted by the ban?

A: NO – because this is a change of status from F-1 to H-1B, theemployee will not be impacted.  However,the employee should not travel outside the US, as he will not be able toget an H-1B visa stamp and return.
Q: My employee is in the US on an H-1B and has no plans totravel.  Can I sponsor this employee fora green card?

A: YES – the there is no prohibition against filing green cardcases from inside the US.  Employees canstill “adjust status.”
Q: My employee holds an H-1B that will expire later this year.  Can I file an extension of the employee’s H-1Bstatus?

A: YES – the there is no prohibition against filing for anextension, amendment, or transfer of an H-1B. 


MU Law will be hosting a free webinar for our clients and friendson Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 2PM Eastern (1PM Central).
This webinar will discuss the NEW Proclamation issued byPresident Trump suspending entry of immigrants and nonimmigrants until theend of 2020. Interested clients and friends can register for our webinar by clicking on the link below.

Your Questions Answered, including:
  • Whattypes of cases are impacted?
  • Myemployee’s status expires this fall, can it be extended? Or will the employeehave to stop working?
  • Whatshould I do if my employee needs to travel?
  • Whatcan I do if my employee is currently outside the US and needs to return?
  • Myemployee’s spouse and children went home for summer vacation, will the familybe allowed back into the US?
  • CanI file a green card case for my employee who is in the US?
  • Ismy employee eligible for a waiver from the proclamation?



Lastnight, President Trump updated and expanded his AprilPresidential Proclamation that had banned legal immigrant visas for 60days.  Last night’s ban extends the Aprillegal immigration ban through December 31, 2020 and adds many temporaryemployment-based nonimmigrant visas, including H-1Bs, L-1s, J-1s, andH-2Bs. 

Itseems certain that the President will be sued and so any information containedhere is subject to the outcome of the lawsuits.

Theban effects many types of employment-based immigration, such as:
GreenCards (Immigrant visas) Consular Processing
AllConsular Processing green cards continue to be banned, as they have been sinceApril.  There are a few exceptions:
  • PermanentResidents of the US;
  • Healthcareworkers and their immediate family members (including those family memberstraveling with the healthcare worker and those family members coming to the USat a later date);
  • Otherindividuals coming to the US to perform work essential to combating, recoveringfrom, or alleviating the effects of Covid-19 and their immediate family members(including those family members traveling with the healthcare worker and thosefamily members coming to the US at a later date).
  • Spousesand children of US Citizens;
  • EB-5investors;
  • Individualswho are entering to assist law enforcement or who are members of the US ArmedForces;
  • SpecialImmigrants in the SI or SQ Class and their family members; and
  • Anyperson whose entry is in the national interest of the US as determine by theSecretary of State or Secretary of Homeland Security.

GreenCards (Immigrant visas) Adjustment of Status
Noeffect whatsoever.  Many Adjustment ofStatus interviews, of course, have been delayed because of COVID-19, althoughwe have seen that the USCIS is approving some employment based green cardswithout an actual visa interview.
H-1B,L-1, J-1, and H-2B visas
  • Beneficiariesapproved for H-1B and L-1s will not be allowed to enter the US unless theycurrently have a valid visa stamp, even if they have an approved I-797.
  • H-1Band L-1 visa stamps cannot be granted at embassies or consulates unless theH-1B or L-1 is for one of the exemption categories below. 
  • Ifyou have an H-1B or L-1 approval and you are in the US, you should not traveloutside the US unless you already have a valid H-1B visa stamp in your passportand you intend to return to the US prior to the expiration of that visa stamp.
  • H-1Band L-1 amendments, extensions, and transfers continue to be permissible.
  • H-1Bcap petitions that are based on a change of status (e.g. F-1 to H-1B) should beapproved with a new I-94 card for the H-1B status.  The ban does not prohibit or effect thechange of status, however, individuals changing status to H-1B should not leavethe US after October 1 as they will not be able to return without a valid H-1Bvisa stamp.  
  • Similarprohibitions apply to J-1 and H-2B visas, although the J-1 visa ban is limitedto interns, trainees, teachers, camp counselors, au pairs, and summer workprograms.  Other J-1s may obtain visasand enter the US.
  • Theban also applies to the H-4, L-2, J-2 dependent classifications.  Spouses and children in the US as dependentsshould not travel abroad unless each family member has a valid visa stamp in theirpassport.  Dependents who are currentlyabroad will not be allowed to enter the US unless they currently have a validvisa stamp.

Exemptionsto the H-1B, L-1, J-1, and H-2B nonimmigrant visa ban
Thevisa ban does not apply to:
  • anylawful permanent resident of the United States;
  • anyalien who is the spouse or child of a United States citizen;
  • anyalien seeking to enter the United States to provide temporary labor or servicesessential to the United States food supply chain; and
  • anyalien whose entry would be in the national interest as determined by theSecretary of State or the Secretary of Homeland Security.

NationalInterest Entry Requests
TheProclamation allows for exemptions to the nonimmigrant visa ban if the Beneficiaryis one of several categories deemed by DOS or DHS to be “in the nationalinterest”.  It is expected that the DOS andDHS will issue details about these exemptions and the process to request anexemption.  The Proclamation’s namedcategories include those who:
  • arecritical to the defense, law enforcement, diplomacy, or national security ofthe United States;
  • areinvolved with the provision of medical care to individuals who have contractedCOVID-19 and are currently hospitalized;
  • areinvolved with the provision of medical research at United States facilities tohelp the United States combat COVID-19;
  • arenecessary to facilitate the immediate and continued economic recovery of theUnited States; or
  • are children whowould age out of eligibility for a visa as a result of the visa ban.


TheDepartment of State expects that there will be “significant advancement” inmany categories, including all EB-1s and EB-5s, as well as EB-3 Worldwide andPhilippines, starting in FY 2021 (October 2020 Visa Bulletin). This is terrificnews for all EB IV applicants.
The news come from the Department ofState’s Charlie Oppenhiem, who is always gracious with his time.  Charlie’s monthly AILA Q&As, Check In With Charlie, are always informative.  This month’s Check In contained manyinteresting answers, including answers to questions posed by MU attorneys.
Charlie expects that the Family-BasedImmigrant Visa category will be underused by about 60,000 visas, as a result ofslowdowns in processing related to COVID-19. US law says that when the FB IV does not meet its quota, all of thosevisa flow into the Employment-Based category in the next fiscal year.  Therefore, Charlie expects the EB category toincrease from 140,000 to about 200,000 visas in FY 2021. 
This means that the per country quotas,which are normally about 10,000 IVs, will increase to approximately 14,000 IVsper country.  It is this increase in EBvisas that will lead to the dramatic progressions in October 2020.
Charlie also helpfully explained thatwhile he could have progressed the Visa Bulletin more aggressively in June andJuly, he did not do so because “processing capacity at both consular posts andUSCIS is diminished due to the pandemic.” Therefore, Visa Bulletin progressions would not have meant increasedvisa umber usage and may have resulted in a future retrogression, which he tries to avoid.


The Department of State has justissued the July2020 Visa Bulletin. This is the tenth Visa Bulletin of Fiscal Year 2020.This blog post analyzes this month’s Visa Bulletin.
July 2020 Visa Bulletin
Table A: Final Action Dates –Applications with these dates may be approved for their Green Card (PermanentResidency card) or Immigrant Visa appointment.
All Other
MU Law Analysis
This Visa Bulletin continued the bigprogressions that we saw in the June Visa Bulletin.  MU Law hasbeen calling on the DOS to rapidly advance the dates so that all immigrantvisas are used in 2020.  Many visasappear that they will go unused without this progression. 
The Worldwide EB-3 dates movedalmost six months are now at April 2018, as is the Philippines EB-3.  We continue to expect big progressions inthese categories for the August and September VBs because very few visas wereused due to the global shutdown caused by COVID-19.
The Indian EB-3 dates movedahead two months.  It continues to moveat a quicker rate than we have seen in years.  India EB-2 even advanced a month.  China EB-2 and EB-3 advanced by oneweek.  We might see continuedprogressions of a few weeks or months in these categories for the rest of thefiscal year.
The EB-1 movements were alsoreassuring.  As was the case last month, IndiaEB-1 progressed another 10 months, reflecting reduced demand.  China EB-1 advanced by a week, as theDOS remains concerned about pending demand. Limited progressions in EB-1 and EB-2 categories in the future couldmean that more visa numbers flow down to EB-3, which would mean moreadvancement.


Supportfor the HealthcareWorkforce Resilience Act continues to grow.  In the Senate, co-sponsorship of S. 3599 hasgrown to 26 Senators.  Several otherswill be announced shortly.  Overone-quarter of all Senators in just a month. Sen. Perdue (R-GA), Sen. Durbin (D-IL) and their teams deserve enormouscredit for moving so quickly to garner support.
Inthe House, HR 6788 now has 29 co-sponsors. In both chambers, the measure is entirely bipartisan.  Likewise, Rep. Schneider (D-IL) and Rep. Cole(R-OK) and their staffs merit great praise from the community.


Beginning Monday, June 1, 2020, the USCIS will reinstatepremium processing on certain applications.  Below is a list of case types and the date onwhich premium processing will be reinstated.
June 1 – All I-140s, except those on behalf ofMultinational Managers / Executives and National Interest Waivers can be filed foror upgraded to premium processing.  (NOTE– I-140s on behalf of Multinational Managers / Executives and National InterestWaivers have never been allowed to file under premium processing.)
June 8 – Cap-exempt H-1B petitions that were filedbefore June 8 can be upgraded to premium processing.  Typical cap-exempt H-1B petitions include:
·       H-1B extensions
·       H-1B amendments
·       H-1B transfers
·       H-1B petitions filed on behalf of cap-exemptentities such as research facilities and universities.
June 15 – Cap-exempt H-1Bs filed on or after June15 can be filed for premium processing
June 22 – All other H-1Bs petitions, includingH-1B cap cases selected in April 2020 can be filed for or upgraded to premiumprocessing.


Nursing supply was already at atipping point before the COVID-19 crisis. The US was struggling to satisfy rising demand in the face of adecade-long and acute nursing shortage, which was projected to balloon to 200,000unfilled positions this year.  TheCOVID-19 crisis has exasperated an already overwhelming shortage.

The HWRAis legislation that will increase the supply of nurses and doctors into theUS.  These two occupations are among theshortest supplied occupations by US workers.

The US nursing crisiswill only get worse:

  • Whilethe crisis is abating in some areas of the country, a COVID-19 vaccine is notexpected for 18 months.  Spikesin infection rates will continue until the vaccine is developed.  
  • CDC Director Robert Redfield fears that the virus’s continued assaulton our nation next winter could “actually be even more difficult than the one we justwent through.” Hecontinued, “and when I’ve said this to others, they kind of put their headback, they don’t understand what I mean.” 
  • Likewise, during the 1918Spanish Flu pandemic some areas in the country did not reach their peaks untilthe following November.  The secondwave was much more deadly than the first wave.
  • Infection peaks have notyet happened in most of the country. Seven of the eight counties with the most infections are all in New York. While New York appears to have finallyhit its peak, that state is an outlier.
  • Other countries have notyet reached an infection peak.  Asinternational travel comes back on line, it is expected that US infection rateswill re-emerge.
  • Maldistribution ofhealthcare workers means that grave nursing shortages exist in some localitiesand specialties.  For instance, employersof dialysis nurses have seen their national shortage triple in the just eightweeks.  New York area hospitals areoffering pay rates at 2 to 4 times a nurse’s usual salary, inan effort to attract nurses from other areas of the country.
  • Nursing schools areforcing rushedgraduations in an effort to put nurses immediately onto hospital rosters.  States are even waiving licensingrequirements in an effort to get as many healthcare workers to work asquickly as possible.
  • We know based on theexperience of other countries that the coronavirus is a caregivers’ illness. InItaly’s Lombardy region, one of the country’s hardest-hit, as much as 10percent of all nurses and doctors have been infected and placed inquarantine.  Italyis now desperately calling on retried healthcare workers to join theirfight.

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