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Musillo Unkenholt LLC | 302 West Third, Suite 710 | Cincinnati, Ohio

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President Trumphas issued aPresidential Proclamation to temporarily stop the issuance of all immigrant visas (greencards) at Embassies abroad for sixty days effective midnight on April 23, 2020.  Contrary to the overarching language used inthe President’s original tweet, the text of the Proclamation reveals that itwill have very little impact on business immigration.
Importantly, thisProclamation does not apply to those who are already in the United States andapplying for a green card, nor does it apply to those entering the US on anonimmigrant visa, such as H-1B, TN, L-1, for F-1.  The Proclamation does not bar nonimmigrant visaextensions or transfers.
The Proclamation onlyapplies to all those who are:
  • outside ofthe United States between April 23, 2020 – June 23, 2020; and
  • not inpossession of either a valid immigrant visa or an official travel document,e.g. Advanced Parole; and
  • Not one ofthe categories of immigrants who are exempt from the Proclamation.  

Specificcategories of those seeking to enter the US on an immigrant visa are exemptfrom Proclamation. The exempt groupsare:

  • PermanentResidents of the US;
  • Healthcareworkers and their immediate family members (including those family memberstraveling with the healthcare worker and those family members coming to the USat a later date);
  • Otherindividuals coming to the US to perform work essential to combating, recoveringfrom, or alleviating the effects of Covid-19 and their immediate family members(including those family members traveling with the healthcare worker and thosefamily members coming to the US at a later date). 
  • Spousesand children of US Citizens;
  • EB-5investors;
  • Individualswho are entering to assist law enforcement or who are members of the US ArmedForces;
  • SpecialImmigrants in the SI or SQ Class and their family members; and
  • Any person whose entry isin the national interest of the US as determine by the Secretary of State orSecretary of Homeland Security.

TheProclamation may be extended beyond sixty days if President Trump deems itnecessary to do so.  If you have questionsabout your application and whether you are exempt from the Proclamation, pleasecontact your MU attorney.


Since theCovid-19 outbreak, many questions have arisen concerning government aid, itsavailability to foreign nationals, and the impact acceptance of various typesof government aid will have on the public charge analysis.  Below is a summary of the availablegovernment aid and information about its impact on foreign nationals’immigration situation.

Testing,Treatment, and (Potential) Vaccination
  • Eligibility:Foreign nationals are eligible for testing, treatment, and any potentialvaccine related to Covid-19. 
  • PublicCharge: Being tested, treated, or vaccinated for Covid-19 will not beconsidered in the public charge analysis. The USCIS hasspecifically stated that “testing, treatment, and preventative care(including vaccines, if a vaccine becomes available) related to COVID-19” willnot be considered as part of a public charge determination. 

CARESAct Stimulus
  • Eligibility:Foreign nationals may be eligible for the Cares Act stimulus if the foreignnational has a social security number and is either (a) a permanent resident,a/k/a green card holder, or (b) has spent enough time in the US that theforeign national meets the IRS substantialpresence test
  • Individualswho have filed a tax return in 2018 and reported an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)of up to $75,000 ($150,000 if married/filing jointly) may receive one‑time cashpayments of $1,200 ($2,400 if married plus $500 per child).  Those with anAGI over $99,000 ($198,000 for married couples) will not receive a payment.  Some payments may be less for individualswith an income over $75,000 ($150,000 for married couples) but under $99,000for individuals ($198,000 for married couples). 
  • PublicCharge: Accepting CARES Act stimulus payments will not be considered in thepublic charge analysis.  Because theCARES Act stimulus payments are considered tax credits,they will not be considered under the public charge analysis.  The public charge rule is clear that taxcredits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, are nottaken into account for the purpose of the public charge rule.

  • Eligibility:Eligibility for unemployment varies from state to state.  You should contact an employment law attorneyin your state to determine if you are eligible for unemployment benefits.
  • Public Charge: Applying forand accepting unemployment will not be considered in the public chargeanalysis.  The publiccharge rule explicitly states unemployment benefits are not considered“public benefits” under the public charge inadmissibility determination asunemployment is considered an earned benefits. 


Dueto the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a variety of closures and suspensions ofimmigration services.  Below is a summaryof all closures and suspensions at this time. This list is subject to change as new updates become available. 
US Citizenship and Immigration Service:
ImmigrationFilings: The USCISrecently announced that it may excusesome delays in filing immigration cases in a timely manner. USCIS, in itsdiscretion, may excuse the failure to file on time if it was due toextraordinary circumstances beyond the applicant’s control, such as those thatmay be caused by COVID-19.
EffectiveMarch 20, 2020 the USCIS has announced the immediateand temporary suspension of premium processing on all I-129s (L-1s, H-1Bs,TNs) and I-140s.
Forall cases where an RFE (Request for Evidence) or NOID (Notice of Intent toDeny) was issued between March 1, 2020 and May 1, 2020, the USCIS will allow anautomatic 60-day extension to the due date. 
Interviewsand In-Person Appointments:The USCIS has suspendedall in-person services until at least May 3, 2020.  The USCIS has also announced that it will re-usebiometric information already on file in order to process applications forEmployment Authorization Documents (EADs). 
ElectronicSignatures: Due tothe National Emergency, USCIS will accept scanned,faxed, or photocopied, original signatures. 
Department of State:
USEmbassies: Effective March 20, 2020 the Department of States has also suspendedinterviews in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19.  If you are a medical professional, please seeour previous blogpost about interviews for medical professionals. 
Travel Restrictions: 
Outof the US: On March 19, 2020, the Department of State has issued a Level4 warning, advising all US Citizens to avoid all international travel. 
Intothe US: Travel bans have been issued restricting travel to the US forindividuals who have traveled to severalcountries within in the last 14 days.
Thefollowing individuals are exempt from the travel ban:
  • USCitizens and Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Spousesof US Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Parentsor legal guardians of US Citizens of Lawful Permanent Residents, provided thatthe child is unmarried and under the age of 21;
  • Siblingsof US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents, provided both are unmarried andunder the age of 21;
  • Childrenwho are under the legal custody of US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents;and
  • Other certain foreigngovernment and health officials.
StaySafe and Healthy and Please Remember to Wash Your Hands Regularly.


USCIS announced that it has received “nearly” 275,000 H-1B capregistration during the March 1-20 filing period, including petitions filed forthe advanced degree exemption.  This isconsiderably more than the 190,000 H-1B petitions received during the April2018 (Fiscal Year 2019) filing period and 201,000 during the April 2019 (FY2020) filing period.
USCIS is in the process of notifyingH-1B cap lottery winners.  Based on theCongressional H-1B cap of 85,000 H-1B cap winners, Petitioners should expectabout 31% of their H-1B cap filings to be H-1B cap winners because Congressonly allows the USCIS to approve H-1B cap petitions.  H-1B winners have 90 days to submit their fullH-1B cap petition to the USCIS. 
MU Law’s numbers track the USCISmacro-number.  So far, we have receivednotice that about 30% of our total registrations are H-1B cap winners.  MU Law is in the process of contacting H-1Bwinners. 
Unlike in past years, the USCIS willcontinue to update the H-1B cap winners list. Therefore, additional winners may be added throughout the spring andsummer.  USCIS is not expected to contactany H-1B lottery losers until all 85,000 approval notices are issued or the endof the 2021 fiscal year.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thereare a variety of closures and suspensions of immigration services.  Below is a summary of all closures andsuspensions at this time.  This list issubject to change as new updates become available. 
USCitizenship and Immigration Service:

Immigration Filings: USCIS will continue to perform dutiesthat do not involve contact with the public. Petitions will continue to be accepted for filing and adjudicated by theUSCIS.  Effective March 20, 2020 theUSCIS has announced the immediateand temporary suspension of premium processing on all I-129s (L-1s,H-1Bs, TNs) and I-140s.

For all cases where an RFE (Requestfor Evidence) or NOID (Notice of Intent to Deny) was issued between March 1,2020 and May 1, 2020, the USCIS will allow an automatic 60 day extension to thedue date. 

Interviews and In-Person Appointments: The USCIS has suspendedall in-person services until at least May 3, 2020.  This cancellation includes interviews forgreen card cases and biometrics appointments. USCIS will send notices to allapplicants and petitioners with scheduled appointments impacted by this closureand all appointments will be automatically rescheduled when services resume.  The USCIS has also announced that it will re-usebiometric information already on file in order to process applications forEmployment Authorization Documents (EADs). 

Electronic Signatures: Due to the National Emergency, USCISwill accept scanned,faxed, or photocopied, original signatures. For forms that require an original “wet” signature, including the I-129,I-140, and I-485, USCIS will accept electronically reproduced originalsignatures for the duration of the National Emergency.
Departmentof State:

US Embassies: Effective March 20, 2020the Department of States has also suspendedinterviews in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19.  As resources allow, embassies and consulateswill continue to provide emergency services. Appointments and interviews willresume as soon as possible.  If you are amedical professional, please see our previous blogpost about interviews for medical professionals. 

Out of the US: On March 19, 2020, theDepartment of State has issued a Level4 warning, advising all US Citizens to avoid all international travel.  US Citizens who do not live in the UnitedStates should arrange for immediate return to the US or prepare to remainabroad for an indefinite period of time. Many countries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and are implementingtravel restrictions, quarantines, and closed borders.

Into the US: Travel bans have been issuedrestricting travel to the US for individuals who have traveled to: Austria,Belgium, Mainland China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, United Kingdom, within in the last 14days.
Thefollowing individuals are exempt from the travel ban:
  • US Citizensand Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Spouses of USCitizens and Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Parents orlegal guardians of US Citizens of Lawful Permanent Residents, provided that thechild is unmarried and under the age of 21;
  • Siblings ofUS Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents, provided both are unmarried andunder the age of 21;
  • Children whoare under the legal custody of US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents; and
  • Other certainforeign government and health officials. 

 OnApril 11, 2020 officials will reassess COVID-19 travel bans.

Stay Safe and Healthy andPlease Remember to WashYour Hands Regularly


The US Department of State has issued astatement that all medical professionals, particularly those working to combatCovid-19, should contact their nearest US Embassy to request a visaappointment.  If you are a medicalprofessional and have an approved I-129, I-140 or other immigration petition,you should contact the US Embassyor Consulate nearest to you to schedule a visa appointment as soon aspossible.  Even if the Embassy iscurrently closed to routine interviews, an interview may be granted for amedical professional. 

The medical professional with an approved I-140 must have a current priority date.


Dueto the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a variety of closures and suspensions ofimmigration services.  Below is a summaryof all closures and suspensions at this time. This list is subject to change as new updates become available. 
US Citizenship and Immigration Service:
ImmigrationFilings: USCIS will continue to perform duties that do not involve contact withthe public.  Petitions will continue tobe accepted for filing and adjudicated by the USCIS.  Effective March 20, 2020 the USCIS hasannounced the immediateand temporary suspension of premium processing on all I-129s (L-1s, H-1Bs,TNs) and I-140s.
Interviewsand In-Person Appointments:As of March 18, 2020 the USCIS has suspendedall in-person services until at least April 1, 2020.  This cancellation includes interviews forgreen card cases and biometrics appointments. USCIS will send notices to allapplicants and petitioners with scheduled appointments impacted by this closureand all appointments will be automatically rescheduled when services resume.
ElectronicSignatures: Due tothe National Emergency, USCIS will accept scanned,faxed, or photocopied, original signatures. For forms that require an original “wet” signature, including the I-129,I-140, and I-485, USCIS will accept electronically reproduced originalsignatures for the duration of the National Emergency. 
Department of State:
USEmbassies: Effective March 20, 2020 the Department of States has also suspendedinterviews in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19. As resources allow, embassies and consulates will continue to provideemergency services. Appointments and interviews will resume as soon aspossible. 
Travel Restrictions: 
Outof the US: On March 19, 2020, the Department of State has issued a Level4 warning, advising all US Citizens to avoid all international travel. US Citizens who do not live in the United States should arrange forimmediate return to the US or prepare to remain abroad for an indefinite periodof time.  Many countries are experiencingCOVID-19 outbreaks and are implementing travel restrictions, quarantines, andclosed borders.
Intothe US: Travel banshave been issued restricting travel to the US for individuals who have traveledto: Austria, Belgium, Mainland China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy,Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, UnitedKingdom, within in the last 14 days.
Thefollowing individuals are exempt from the travel ban:
  • USCitizens and Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Spousesof US Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Parentsor legal guardians of US Citizens of Lawful Permanent Residents, provided thatthe child is unmarried and under the age of 21;
  • Siblingsof US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents, provided both are unmarried andunder the age of 21;
  • Childrenwho are under the legal custody of US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents;and
  • Othercertain foreign government and health officials. 

OnApril 11, 2020 officials will reassess COVID-19 travel bans.
StaySafe and Healthy and Please Remember to Wash Your Hands Regularly.


As you may have heard, the State ofOhio has issued a StayAt Home Order.  This Order compelsall non-essential businesses to close through April 6, 2020.  Under the Order, “Legal Services” is anessential business and therefore allowed to operate.  Accordingly, MU will remain open although wehave increased our work from home program for all employees.
The health and safety of our staff isof primary importance.  We believe thatby increasing our employee’s ability to work from home, we can continue totimely file all petitions and be as responsive as ever to client’s needs andconcerns.  We hope that all MU clientsand friends continue to stay safe during this extraordinary time.


From the USCIS PressRelease:
“U.S. Citizenship andImmigration Services today announced the immediate and temporary suspension ofpremium processing service for all Form I-129 and I-140 petitions until furthernotice due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Effective today, March 20,2020, USCIS will not accept any new requests for premium processing. USCIS willprocess any petition with a previously accepted FormI-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, in accordance withthe premium processing service criteria. However, we will not be able to sendnotices using pre-paid envelopes. We will only send batch-printed notices.Petitioners who have already filed a FormI-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, or FormI-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers, using the premiumprocessing service and who receive no agency action on their case within the15-calendar-day period will receive a refund, consistent with 8 CFR 103.7(e).We will notify the public with a confirmed date for resuming premiumprocessing.
USCIS will reject the I-907and return the $1,440 filing fee for all petitions requesting premiumprocessing that were mailed before March 20 but not yet accepted.
This temporary suspensionincludes petitions filed for the following categories:
I-129: E-1, E-2, H-1B,H-2B, H-3, L-1A, L-1B, LZ, O-1, O-2, P-1, P-1S, P-2, P-2S, P-3, P-3S, Q-1, R-1,TN-1 and TN-2.
I-140: EB-1, EB-2 andEB-3.
This includes new premiumprocessing requests for all H-1B petitions, including H-1B cap-subjectpetitions for fiscal year 2021, petitions from previous fiscal years, and allH-1B petitions that are exempt from the cap. USCIS previously announced thetemporary suspension of premium processing for FY 2021 cap-subject petitionsand tentative dates for resumption of premium processing service. Thisannouncement expands upon and supersedes the previous announcement.”


Dueto the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a variety of closures and suspensions ofimmigration services.  Below is a summaryof all closures and suspensions at this time. This list is subject to change as new updates become available. 
USCitizenship and Immigration Service: As of March 18, 2020 the USCIS has suspendedall in-person services until at least April 1, 2020.  This cancellation includes interviews forgreen card cases and biometrics appointments. USCIS will send notices to allapplicants and petitioners with scheduled appointments impacted by this closureand all appointments will be automatically rescheduled when services resume.
USCISwill continue to perform duties that do not involve contact with thepublic.  Petitions will continue to beaccepted for filing and adjudicated by the USCIS.
Emergencyappointments and services will be provided by the USCIS in limitedsituations. 
Departmentof State: Most US Embassies have also suspended interviews in an effort to slowthe spread of Covid-19.  You can findcountry specific information from the US Department of State about Covid-19 here.
TravelRestrictions:  Travel bans have beenissued restricting travel to the US for individuals who have traveled to:Austria, Belgium, Mainland China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, United Kingdom,within in the last 14 days.
The following individuals areexempt from the travel ban:

  • USCitizens and Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Spousesof US Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents;
  • Parentsor legal guardians of US Citizens of Lawful Permanent Residents, provided thatthe child is unmarried and under the age of 21;
  • Siblingsof US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents, provided both are unmarried andunder the age of 21;
  • Childrenwho are under the legal custody of US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents;and
  • Othercertain foreign government and health officials. 

On April 11,2020 officials will reassess COVID-19 travel bans.

Stay Safe andHealthy and Please Remember to Wash Your Hands Regularly.

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