On Monday, October 3, 2016, the USSupreme Court refused to reconsider the case regarding the expansion of DACAand creation of DAPA. DACA,created in 2012 will remain in place.
President Obama sought to expand the qualifyingcriteria for DACA and create a program for the undocumented, immigrant parentsof US Citizens. President Obama createdDACA and sought to expand DACA and create DAPA by Executive Order, not an actof Congress. A group of states sued theUS federal government, arguing the President did not have the power to expandDACA or create DAPA. In 2015, a FederalJudge agreed with the states and held the program to be invalid.
In January 2016 the Supreme Courtagreed to hear the case and seemed poised to issue a landmark decision onimmigration. However, the Supreme Courtdeadlocked in a 4-4 decision which left in place the lower court’s, FederalJudge’s decision. President Obama thenasked that the Supreme Court re-hear the case.
The Supreme Court rarely reconsidersa case, but sometimes agrees to do so when the court is split 4-4 because oneof the 9 justices is vacant due to illness, retirement, or death. Even if the Supreme Court had agreed tore-hear the case, the decision would not take effect until 2017 or later, afterPresident Obama has left office. Thisdecision (or indecision) by the Supreme Court draws more attention to thequestion of immigration and presidential power in the upcoming election.
The Supreme Court rarely reconsidersa case, but sometimes agrees to do so when the court is split 4-4 because oneof the 9 justices is vacant due to illness, retirement, or death. Even if the Supreme Court had agreed tore-hear the case, the decision would not take effect until 2017 or later, afterPresident Obama has left office. Thisdecision (or indecision) by the Supreme Court draws more attention to thequestion of immigration and presidential power in the upcoming election.