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Asthe Olympics in Rio come to a close, athletes for Team USA – both native andforeign born – have represented the red, white, and blue.  The US sent 555 athletesto the Olympic Games in 27 sports.  Forty-sevenof Team USA’s competitors were born outside the United States!

Notableimmigrant athletes on Team USA included:
  • Danell Leyva (gymnastics) was born in Cuba anddefected to Miami, Florida with his mom and sister whenhe was only two years old.  Danellwon two silver medals at the Rio Olympics on the men’s parallel bars and themen’s horizontal bar.
  • Meb Keflezighi (track and field) is one of the mostdecorated US marathoners of all time. Born in Eritrea, he moved to the US at the age of 11.  In 2014 he won the Boston Marathon becomingthe first American to do so since 1983. Meb will run in the men’s marathon onSunday, August 21, becoming theoldest US Olympic runner of all time
  • NickDelpopolo (judo) was born in Serbia and Montenegro; he spent the firstfew years of his life in an orphanage until hewas adopted by a couple from New Jersey
  • Paul Kipkemoi Chelimo (track and field) was born inKenya, but became a US citizen afterenlisting in the US Army and beinga part of the World Class Athlete Program.   Paul, along with two other foreign-born USathletes, Bernard Lagat and Hassan Mead, willrun in the men’s 500m final on Saturday, August 20
  • Kyrie Irving (basketball) was born in Melbourne,Australia while his father pursued a professional career in an Aussieleague.  He holds dual citizenship andwas asked to play on the Australian national team, but choseto play for Team USA.
Congratulationsto all the athletes on Team USA and too all the Olympians!


Musillo UnkenholtLLC (MU Law) is proud to co-sponsor a Cincinnati seminar with Graydon Head, Cincinnati’s premier full-servicelaw firm.  The event will be held September13, 2016 on the campus of Xavier University. The program runs from 7:30 – 10:00 AM and will feature a panel of localCincinnati business leaders.  The seminaris free to attend.
JoinGraydon Head & Musillo Unkenholt as they lead an informativeconversation about using immigration to solve staffing supply shortages – andthe legal and practical issues that may arise. A panel of experts who have dealt with thesesituations will share their struggles and successes on using immigration solutionsin a tight labor market.
If you are interested in attending,please RSVP to Sam Rossell, 513.629.2727 or viaemail
This program isvalid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information aboutcertification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.


The Department of State has just issued the September 2016 Visa Bulletin.  This is the twelfth and final Visa Bulletin of Fiscal Year 2016. As the fiscal year winds down, the last few Visa Bulletins always have some surprises.  

This Visa Bulletin is no exception.  Some dates progressed favorably.  Other dates retrogressed.  Rest assured that these changes are temporary. 

Readers should rest assured that everything will go back to “normal” on October 1, 2016, the start of the next fiscal year.

September 2016 Visa Bulletin

Final Action Dates

Applications with these dates may be approved for their Green Card (Permanent Residency card).

All Charge-
Areas Except
Those Listed

MU Law Analysis

All Other:  The EB-2 has been current for many years.  The retrogression of the EB-2 category simply means that the DOS approved more cases than it expected to in FY2016.  The EB-3 moved forward by two months.  These dates continue to be very favorable.  We expect that All Other dates will continue to be positive for the foreseeable future, starting on October 1, 2016.

China:   These dates mirror the August 2016’s Visa Bulletin.  We expect positive movement in October 2016.

India:  EB-3 moved ahead by ten weeks as did EB-2.  The DOS is trying to make sure that all available Indian immigrant visas are used.  

Mexico: Mirrors All Other in all aspects.

Philippines: EB-3 moved ahead by ten months, into 2010.  This is what we have expected.  (Our note from May 2016: “MU Law believes that Philippines EB-3 will continue to steadily move forward in the coming months. We expect it to move into 2009 in the by early summer, and may reach 2010 by the end of this fiscal year.”).  The Feb 2014 retrogression date for EB-2 should be of no concern for those in this category.  Philippine EB-2 will be current in October 2016.


Students who currently hold an OPT STEMExtension card, valid for 17 months, mustapply before August 8, 2016 if the student wishes to request an additional7 months, under the new 24 month STEM Extension Program created earlier thisyear.
On March 11, 2016 theUSCIS published the rules of a new, expanded STEM Extension OPT program. The new STEM Extension went into effect on May 10, 2016.  Among otherchanges, the program extended the length of the STEM Extension from 17 monthsto 24 months.  For an outline of the newrequirements for students and employers under the updated STEM ExtensionProgram, pleasesee our previous blog post from May 4, 2016.   
The USCIS outlined a series of transitionrules for three primary groups of students impacted by the implementation ofthe new STEM Extension Program:
1.      Students on a 17 month STEM Extension can requestthe full 24 month STEM extension period, if they apply for a new OPT card beforeAugust 8, 2016.  If the student elects not to ask for the full24 month STEM extension, the student should complete the 17 month STEM OPTPeriod under the old rules.
2.      Students with a pending 17 month STEMExtension should receive an RFE requesting the new form I-983 TrainingPlan.  An RFE Response amends theapplication to the full 24 months STEM extension period.
3.      Students on a 12 month OPT expiringafter June 1 must file the STEM Extension under the 24 month program.
Students eligible for OPT STEM Extensions arein science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.  Please check with your student advisor if youqualify for a STEM Extension based on your field of study. 


1.       ComprehensiveImmigration Reform (CIR) – Ms. Clinton promises to introduce CIR, including apathway to US Citizenship, within the first 100 days of her presidency.
2.       Endthe Three/Ten Year Bar – Under current immigration law, those who overstay theend-date on their I-94 card by six months to a year are barred from returningto the US or applying for any type of visa for three years.  Those who overstay by more than a year arebarred from returning to the US or applying for a visa for ten years.  Ms. Clinton seeks eliminate this penalty.
3.       DefendDACA and DAPA – President Obama’s Executive Action created the DACA and DAPAprograms.  These programs allowindividuals who were brought to the US as children or have US Citizen childrento apply for a stay of deportation and work authorization.  Most recently, the US Supreme Court’s 4-4tied decision left in place an appeals court ruling which blocked these programs.  Ms. Clinton believes these programs arewithin the President’s authority and intends to continue fighting for theirimplementation.
4.       ExpandDeferred Action – A grant of Deferred Action is essentially a promise on thepart of the US government not to deport the grantee.  Ms. Clinton intends to expand Deferred Actionfor those with sympathetic cases, for example: those with a history of serviceand contribution to their communities or those who experience extreme laborviolations.
5.       EnforceImmigration Laws Humanely – Secretary Clinton states immigration enforcementshould be humane, targeted, and effective. Ms. Clinton wants to focus enforcement resources on detaining anddeporting individuals who are a threat to public safety.
6.       EndFamily Detention – Ms. Clinton plans to end the detention of parents andchildren who arrive in the US fleeing desperate circumstances.  Secretary Clinton also intends to close allprivate (non-government) immigration detention centers.
7.       ExpandHealth Insurance Coverage for Immigrant Families – Secretary Clinton wants toallow individuals of any immigration status to purchase health insurance on theAffordable Care Act (Obamacare) Exchanges.
8.       PromoteNaturalization – Ms. Clinton will expand fee waivers, increase English-languageproficiency programs, and boost outreach and education to encourage individualsto apply for Naturalization.

Please note this post summarizesonly the points available on Secretary Clinton’s website regarding immigrationreform.  Speeches, interviews, or othermaterials are not captured here.



Donald Trump’s immigrationreform plan is centered on three principles:
1.       Anation without borders is not a nation. 
2.       Anation without laws is not a nation. 
3.       Anation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. 
The most well-known of Mr.Trump’s immigration proposals is to build a wall on the Mexican/American borderand ensure Mexico pays for this wall. Mr. Trump proposes to obtain this payment from Mexico by:
         Impounding all remittance payments derived fromwages earned by workers who are illegally in the US
         Increase fees on all visas issued to MexicanCEOs and diplomats
         Increase fees on all border crossing cards
         Increase fees on all TN visas
         Increase fees at ports of entry to the US fromMexico
Mr. Trump intends to implementthe following actions to ensure current American immigration laws are enforced:
         Triple the number of Immigration Customs andEnforcement (ICE) Officers
         ICE Officers will work with local gang taskforces; ICE Officers must place detainers on any undocumented immigrants theyencounter in the jails and prisons
         Require e-verify for all employers; currentlye-verify is an optional government program
         Mandatory deportation of all foreign nationalswith any criminal history
         Discontinue catch-and-release programs; atpresent individuals apprehended at the border are detained and then paroledinto the US until an immigration hearing. Mr. Trump proposes detention until the hearing.
         Individuals who overstay the term of their I-94card will be subject to criminal penalties
         Cut off federal grants which fund any sanctuarycity programs
         End birthright citizenship; children ofimmigrants born on US soil would no longer be US Citizens
Mr. Trump contends that ourimmigration policy has destroyed America’s middle class.  As a result, his reform proposals seek tocontrol the admission of new low-earning workers to the US.  Mr. Trump’s specific policy proposals forlong-term reform include:
         Increase prevailing wages for H-1Bs
         Require companies to hire American workers first
         Require immigrants to prove, before entering theUS, that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare, and other needs
         Eliminate the J-1 training visa and replace itwith a resume bank for inner city youth
         Increase standards for admission of refugees andasylum-seekers
         Immigration moderation: before new green cardsare issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employerswill have to hire unemployed workers already in the US
Please note this post summarizesonly the points available on Mr. Trump’s website regarding immigrationreform.  Speeches, interviews, or othermaterials are not captured here.


Two prominent US bankers recentlyspoke up in the debate over immigration reform; both stated thatimmigration is critical to the continued recovery and economic growth of the UnitedStates.
Dallas Fed President, RobertKaplan, said the US population is aging and so participation in the US laborforce will decline, creating difficulties for the US economy.  We can do something about this, said Kaplan:“One thing is we could have immigration reform in the United States so thatpeople can come here easily and we can continue to grow the workforce in a safeand secure way.”  Kaplan acknowledgedthat immigration reform is a difficult debate, but also a necessary one.
Also last week, Minneapolis FedPresident, Neel Kashkari, said immigration reform is a critical component of areturn to faster economic growth.  “Mypersonal view,” said Kashkari, “is that we should utilize immigration to ouradvantage as a source for economic growth.  If we have a population that’s not growingit’s much harder to have economic growth.”
The FederalReserve System is the central bank of the United States. The Federal Reserve has three primary functions:
·        Monetary Policy
·        Banking Supervision
·        Financial Services

The Federal Reserve, also called“The Fed” is led by a Board of Governors in Washington, DC.  A network of 12 Federal Reserve Banks and 24branches make up the Federal Reserve System under the general oversight of theBoard of Governors.  Each of the 12Reserve Banks serves its region of the country and is led by a Fed President.


CGFNS has just announced that Jasper Tolarba,DNP, RN, NEA-BC will be their new Director of Credentials Evaluation Services.  Dr. Tolarba will manage the operations of theCredentialing Service programs.  From theirpress release:
Dr. Tolarba willbe responsible for managing the operations of the Credentialing Serviceprograms including VisaScreen®, Credentials Evaluation Service andInternational Consultants of Delaware. Along with CGFNS’ Executive Team, Dr.Tolarba will establish and coordinate the Foreign Educated ProfessionalsAdvisory Group, providing a more robust voice on a global scale.
Dr. Tolarba’s alma mater, Bicol Univerity in Legazpi City,Philippines, also highlighted theappointment.  Bicol notes that Dr. Tolarbaearned his first bachelors and masters from Bicol and also taught nursing therefrom 2002-2004, whereupon he moved to Cincinnati and enrolled at Xavier University.  He later obtained his Ph.D from Yale Universityin Connecticut.  Bicol also notes that Dr.Tolarba is the first foreign-educated nurse to join CGFNS leadership team.


Musillo Unkenholthas received many emails and phone calls from people who have questions aboutthe August2016 Visa Bulletin.  We have puttogether this FAQ for all readers of the MU Law Blog.
Q. Why do the August and September Visa Bulletins always have unusualprogressions and retrogressions?
A. These two VisaBulletins are the final two Visa Bulletins of the US Fiscal Year, which runsfrom October 1 – September 30.  The USDOSmust make sure that it uses all 140,000 employment based immigrant visas.  If it does not use all 140,000 immigrantvisas, then the visas do not roll over into the next fiscal year.  On the other hand, the USDOS cannot use morethan 140,000 immigrant visas or else they violate federal law.  
Q. The Philippine and All Other EB2retrogressed for the first time in many years. Does this mean that the Philippine EB2 and All Other dates willpermanently be retrogressed?
A.  No. This is a temporary retrogression that will only last until October 1,2016.  The DOS expects that the OctoberVisa Bulletin will be Current for both Philippines and All Other EB-2.
Q.  The India EB-2 seems stuck in 2004.  For much of the year it was in 2008.  When will it return to 2008?
A.  Our sense is that October 2016 Visa Bulletinwill show a much more favorable Indian EB-2 date, probably back to 2008.
Q.  The Philippine EB-3 is unaffected by the Augustretrogression.  Where do you think thePhilippine EB-3 date is headed?
A.  Our read is that the September 2016 VisaBulletin may have an unusual date. Therefore you should not read anything into the September 2016 Visa Bulletin. 
However, FiscalYear 2017 looks very positive for Philippine EB-3.  Our educated guess is that the PhilippineEB-3 date will move at approximately a three-to-one ratio.  In other words, the EB-3 date should move, onaverage, three months each Visa Bulletin.
Q. At what rate will the All Other EB-3move in 2017?
A.  The All Other EB-3 should remain Current oralmost Current for the foreseeable future.


The Department of State has just issued the August 2016 Visa Bulletin.  This is the eleventh Visa Bulletin of Fiscal Year 2016. As the fiscal year winds down, the last few Visa Bulletins always have some surprises.  

This Visa Bulletin is no exception.  Some dates progressed favorably.  Other dates retrogressed.  Rest assured that these changes are temporary. 

In this Visa Bulletin, the US DOS confirmed that everything will go back to “normal” on October 1, 2016, the start of the next fiscal year.

August 2016 Visa Bulletin

Final Action Dates

Applications with these dates may be approved for their Green Card (Permanent Residency card).

All Chargeability 
Areas Except
Those Listed
1st C 01JAN10 01JAN10 C C
2nd 01FEB14 01JAN10 15NOV04  01FEB14 01FEB14
3rd 15MAR16 01JAN10 08NOV04 15MAR16 15MAY09

MU Law Analysis

All Other:  The EB-2 has been current for many years.  The retrogression of the EB-2 category simply means that the DOS approved more cases than it expected to in FY2016.  The EB-3 moved forward by two weeks.  These dates continue to be very favorable.  We expect that All Other dates will continue to be positive for the foreseeable future, starting on October 1, 2016.

China:   A note in this month’s Visa Bulletin indicates that these dates will stay at January 2010 for the September 2010’s Visa Bulletin.  

India:  EB-3 moved ahead a few weeks.  But the EB-2 remained stuck in 2004.  We expect the India EB-2 to stay in 2004 until the October 2016 Visa Bulletin at which time it should steadily move forward.

Mexico: Mirrors All Other in all aspects.

Philippines: EB-3 moved ahead three more months. The note in this month’s Visa Bulletin indicated that the EB-3 date should move through 2009 and may move into 2010 by September, as MU Law has been expecting.  (Our note from May 2016: “MU Law believes that Philippines EB-3 will continue to steadily move forward in the coming months. We expect it to move into 2009 in the by early summer, and may reach 2010 by the end of this fiscal year.”).  The enactment of a Feb 2014 in EB-2 is of no concern.  Philippine EB-2 will be current in October 2016.
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