AILAhas again recently dialoged with the Department of State’s CharlieOppenheim, who is the DOS’ chief for producing the Visa Bulletin. MU Law has spoken with Mr. Oppenheim severaltimes in the past and have always found that his projections are well thoughtout and very accurate.
Here are hisprojections based on his recent conversation with AILA:
EB-2 India
The November2014 Visa Bulletin retrogressed India EB-2 to February 2005, which was 4years worse than the October2014 Visa Bulletin. Unfortunately,the India EB-2 date is expected to stay in 2005 for the foreseeable future.
EB-3 India
This category shouldsee continued slow movement of about one or two weeks for every Visa Bulletin.
EB-3 Philippines
The EB-3Philippine’s date is expected to remain the same as the Worldwide EB-3 date forthe next several months. These dateswill remain the same unless the demand for the Philippines EB-3 spikes infuture months.
EB-2 China
This categoryshould progress three to five weeks for every monthly Visa Bulletin.
EB-3 China
EB-3 China shouldsee rapid promotion of dates in the forthcoming months.