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USCIS has just publishedand released an updated H-1B Memorandum which purports to provide guidance toUSCIS officers in their adjudication of H-1B petitions for RegisteredNurses.  This Memorandum updates thelong-standing 2002Johnny Williams USCIS Memorandum on the same subject.  The new Memorandum does not break new ground.  It is not expected that the Memorandum willresult in a significant increase in approved H-1B petitions, although its Backgroundsection helpfully reminds USCIS officers that “there are some situations,however, where the petitioner may be able to show that a nursing positionqualifies as a specialty occupation”.
USCIS officers presentlydeny nearly all H-1B petitions for Registered Nurses, regardless of thespecific facts of the petition.  The fundamentalproblem for RNs seeking H-1B status is that few US Registered Nurse positionsin the US require a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing for entry into theposition.  In order to have an H-1Bapproved it is not enough that the applicant holds a Bachelors’ degree; theposition itself must require a Bachelor’s degree.  The Memorandum makes this clear: “Registerednurses generally do not qualify for H-1B classification” (Page 2).
Even nurses whowork in units where 100% of the nurse workforce holds Bachelors of Science in Nursing(BSN) have seen H-1B denials.  Thesedenial opinions dismiss the employer’s facts, and simply cite to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, whichgenerally says that nursing positions do not require Bachelor’s degrees.
As the Williams Memorandumexplained, the new Memorandum confirms, there are exceptions to this generalrule.  For instance, the new Memorandum favorablyrecognizes that hospitals with magnet status, “indicates that the nursingworkforce within an institution has attained a number of high standardsrelating to quality and standards of nursing practice” (Page 3).  The Memorandum then buries in footnote 9 a veryimportant fact: “For example, as of January 1, 2013, 100% of nurse managers ofindividual units/wards/clinics must have at least a baccalaureate degree innursing upon submission of the Magnet application.”  This Memorandum would have been improved ifthe author had plainly stated that Nurse Manager positions at Magnet hospitals qualifyfor H-1B visas.  Nonetheless, this acknowledgement should be helpful in future H-1B petitions for Magnet HospitalNurse Managers.
Beyond this sectionon Magnet hospitals the new Memorandum offers little guidance for USCISofficers.  In several places the Memorandumtells officers to analyze cases on the facts of the petition and on a case bycase basis, which is apparent.
The new Memorandummirrors the Williams Memorandum in that it reminds officers that Advance PracticeNursing position are generally specialty occupations and approvable for H-1Bvisas.  It also helpfully recognizes thatsome specialties, such as critical care and peri-operative (operating room) mayqualify for the H-1B.
While USCIS HQmissed an opportunity to be clearer about which RN positions were approvablefor H-1B visas, the Memorandum shows that the USCIS is aware of the issue.

UPDATE: The USCIS appears to have broken the link to its Memo.  The Memo can be found on our DocStoc site.


All foreign-educatedPhysical Therapists must be issueda Healthcare Worker Certificate prior to receiving a temporary (e.g. H-1Bor TN) or permanent visa, as per 8 CFR 212.15(c):.  Two originations are permitted to issue theseHWC’s.  CGFNSissues the Visa Screen, which is also issued to qualified Registered Nurses, OccupationalTherapists, and several other healthcare occupations.  FCCPTissues the FCCPT Type I Certificate.  TheFCCPT Type I is only issued to Physical Therapists. 
The HWC verifies thatthe foreign educated Physical Therapist has (i) qualifying education, training,licensing, and experience; (ii) passed a qualifying English fluency exam; and(iii) passed the actual licensing exam (NPTE exam). 
The FCCPT recentlypublished an update about their verification of Indian distance education.  At issue is whether the educationalexperience is post-Secondary education and is not continuing education.  Several criteria are now considered by FCCPT.
                     Verification that the study center does notviolate the jurisdiction territory as outlined by the University GrantsCommission (UGC).
                     Evidence that the study center is notfranchised. This means that it cannot be affiliated to more than oneuniversity.
                     Verification that the University is in charge ofadmissions to the distance education program.  Admissions cannot be done by study centers asper UGC regulation.

                     That the program is authorized to be offeredthrough distance education by the Distance Education Council (DEC). Even thoughthe DEC has been disbanded by the UGC, the regulations stay in effect until theUGC publishes new standards.


To qualify for an H-1B, theposition must require and the employee must hold a bachelor’s degree orgreater.  As a result, most nursingpositions do not qualify for H-1B as a BSN is not typically required for afloor nurse position.  Nurses who are eligiblefor an H-1B include: a nurse educators, nurse managers, or specialty nurseswhere the position requires a higher level of education.
Earlier in the year, MU Lawreceived a denial in a case for a Nurse Educator position.  The USCIS denied the petition, holding theposition did not require a bachelor’s degree or greater – a requirement forH-1B status. 
After the denial, we appealed thecase to the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO), which is the body that reviewsappealed USCIS Service Center decisions. We believed and argued that the evidence shows that the preferredcredential for teaching in the academic setting is the doctoral degree.  At a minimum, nurse educators at colleges anduniversities must hold a master’s degree in nursing and have additionaltraining in the science of teaching.
We have recently received word thatour appeal was successful. MU successfully argued that the position of NurseEducator requires a master’s or doctoral degree and so therefore not onlymeets, but exceeds, the H-1B requirements. The appeal was sustained and the H-1B is now approved.
A nursing shortage in United Statesis expected to continue in  the comingyears, as the US economy continues to recover and older nurses beginretiring.  This will only make the need for qualified nursing faculty morecritical and the H-1B a viable option for schools looking to hire nursing faculty.


Earlier this year theUSCIS proposeda rule that, if enacted will allow H-4 spouses to file for work authorization.  The rule, if passed as drafted, will allowH-4 spouses of H-1B holders to obtain EAD employment authorization.

Under the law, whena new rule such as this is proposed, the USCIS must give the public 60 days tocomment on the proposed rule.  Thatcomment period ended on Friday July 11.  TheUSCIS will now sort through the comments. Computerworld notes that adoption of the proposedrule is “all but assured.”  The timing ofthe “assured” approval is unknown at this time.

The Computerworld article has an interestingdiscussion about the types of comments that have been received and how anautomated tool can mine the comments for trends.  For instance, out of 6,035 non-uniquecomments, “453 were exact duplicates of 10 different comments.”


The Department of State has just released the August 2014 Visa Bulletin.  This is the eleventh Visa Bulletin of the 2014 US Fiscal Year, which began on October 1, 2013.  

The Philippines EB-3 jumped again.  It is now at June 2010, which is a three year jump in the last three months.

India EB-2 also moved forward.  It progressed to January 2009.

The Chinese EB-3 number continued to move dramatically and inconsistently.  It is now at November 2008.  

The All Other EB-3 held steady as well.  It remains at April 2011.  Our sense is that it will not progress until the next US fiscal year.

Employment- Based
All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed
1st C C C C C
2nd C 08OCT09 22JAN09 C C
3rd 01APR11 01NOV08 08NOV03 01APR11 01JUN10


Today marks the five year anniversary of the Musillo Unkenholt LLC law firm. We are proud of the work that we have done here on behalf of our many clients.   The “unsung” heroes of the firm are our experienced paralegal team, many who have been with us for the entire five years.  Thanks to everyone for all your support over these five years!


MU Lawyers were atAILA’s annual convention in Boston last week. In discussing the Visa Bulletin with several attorneys, and piecing togethersome information from DOS officials, here are our unofficial projections forthe remainder of Fiscal Year 2014, which ends September 30, 2014.
EB-1 is expected tostay current through the Fiscal Year.
China:  Chinese EB-2 numbers could progress, although itdoes not appear that it will move too quickly.
India:  Indian EB-2 numbers jumped dramatically betweenMay and June 2014, progressing nearly four years to September 2008.  Our sense is that the Indian EB-2 number willcontinue to stay in 2008, and will continue to progress because the DOS doesnot want a single visa to go unused in this category.  The number may temporarily become unavailablein September 2014, which is common.
All Other: Allother EB-2 should remain Current for the remainder of the Fiscal Year.
China: Chinese EB-3numbers have been on a wild ride this year. They were into 2012 for much of the year before a massive retrogressionin June.  There is a sense that the DOSis unsure just how many numbers are needed. MU Law’s read is that the number will progress this summer, perhapsseveral years.  Again, the DOS is tryingto insure that all numbers in this category are used.
India: The DOS hasthis category accurately projected.  As aresult India EB-3 will continue its very slow progression.
Philippines:  It seems unlikely that this number will getinto 2010.  That having been said, thenumber should progress steadily in FY 2015.

All Other:  The DOS tapped the breaks on this number in June,stalling it at April 2011.  MU Law’s senseis that the number will progress before becoming temporarily unavailable laterin the Summer. 


For the lastseveral years a group of AILA lawyers who practice in healthcare have gottentogether for a dinner on the Thursday of AILA Annual week. We have about 15 people signed up already.  It is a great chance to catch up with old friends (andnew ones!). It is a casual event.

If you are an AILAattorney who is interested in attending this year’s dinner, please let me know how many willbe attending from your group by Monday. Friends, spouses, etc. are alsowelcome.


Well, in spite ofmy headline the answer is probably not, but there is some hope.
Rep. Cantor (R-VA)was the second-in-command in the Republican-majority House ofRepresentatives.  It is generallybelieved that any material Immigration Reform measure must be driven by theHouse Republicans.  Rep. Cantor wasgenerally known to be a pro-business Republican, who was helping push forimmigration reform behind-the-scenes, or at least that is what his primaryopponent, Dave Brat, led central Virginians to believe.  Mr. Brat’s shocking primary upset on Tuesdayseems to mean that immigrationreform is dead for 2014.

So could Rep.Cantor’s loss actually help?

It seems unlikelybut it may not be as bad as it seem today. For one, other immigration-friendly southern Republicans, such as Sen.Lindsay Graham (R-SC), coasted to primary victories.  Second, and the reason for my provocativeheadline, is Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Rep. McCarthy is the next-in-line for Rep. Cantor’s No. 2 positionwithin the House Republican leadership. As thisarticle in the Irish Central points out, Rep. Cantor “represents a centralCalifornia district where pro-immigrant issues, immigrant issues, such as theneed for immigrant labor among the huge farming concerns, are critical.  His district is 35 percent Latino and he ison record as favoring a version of immigration reform.”
Yet again leadershipon the issue turns back to the Majority Leader Rep. John Boehner(R-OH).  Rep. Boehner has straddled theline between the pro and anti-immigration wings of his party, a line that seemsaimless.  If he can articulate a strategyimmigration reform might have a chance. For now, all we have is glimmers of hope.
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