The newprogram allows repeat travelers who are extending their H-1Bs to avoid the visainterview if the prior visa is in the same classification with the same petitionerand is still valid or expired within the last 12 months.
Applicantsfor this visa interview waiver programs may apply on the USEmbassy – New Delhi website.
Applicantsmust meet these criteria:
If you cananswer “yes” to the following questions, you qualify for the Interview WaiverProgram “Dropbox” at one of the 11 service centers.
· I received my visa after November 1, 2008
· I have a previous U.S. visa in the same class as the visa for which I wish torenew
· My previous visa was issued in India
· My most recent visa (in the same visa class for which I am applying) was issuedon or after my 14th birthday
· I have no refusals for a visa in any category after my most recent visaissuance
· If I am applying for a B1/B2, C1D, F, or J visa, my prior visa in the sameclassification is still valid or expired within the last 48 months
· If I am applying for an H or L (individual) visa, my prior visa in the sameclassification with the same petitioner is still valid or expired within thelast 12 months. Note: L (Blanket) visa does not qualify.
· My prior visa is not annotated “Clearance Received”
· My most recent visa (in the same visa class for which I am applying) was notlost or stolen
Thewebpage contains this Note: Using the interview waiver or drop box service doesnot guarantee visa issuance. In some cases, you may be required to appear for avisa interview at the U.S. Embassy/Consulate, for example, if you submit anincomplete and/or inaccurate application. Submit your application well inadvance of your planned travel to allow for the possibility that a visainterview will be necessary.
Other visacategories may also apply for the waiver of an interview:
· Business/Tourism (B1 and/or B2);
· Dependent (J2, H4, L2)
· Transit (C) and/or Crew Member (D) – including C1/D.
· Children applying before their 7th birthday traveling on any visa class
· Applicants applying on or after their 80th birthday traveling on any visa class
· Children applying before their 14th birthday traveling on any visa class
· Students returning to attend the same school and same program
· Temporary workers on Individual L1-A or Individual L1-B visas