The Alliance for Ethical Recruitmentwas formed in 2009 as a result of a funding grant from the MacArthurFoundation. There always are perceivedrecruitment abuses in the international arena. Some of these perceptions are borne out of veryreal abusive behavior. Some of theseperceptions are borne out of hysteriaand junk statistics.
The Alliance has tried for severalyears to root out the former. It hasstruggled to gain traction. Despite the Alliance’sefforts, only four employers have endorsedthe Alliance Code of Ethical Recruitment, only one of which has joined sincethe pilot phase ended in 2010. The AAIHR(of which MU Law is a member) also has a Code of Ethics, which has been moreaccepted by the industry.
The Alliance is now about to shiftgears. CGFNS, who have long been involvedin international nurse matters, will be operating the Alliance. The Alliance will now be managed by MukulBakhshi, JD.
The official launch of this newphase of the Alliance will take place at a reception in January at a locationin Washington, D.C.