The below post was brought to myattention by Michigan attorney MarcTopoleski.  Much of this post is taken directly from arecent email exchange between us.

Canadiannurse licensure in Ontario is governed by the College of Nurses of Ontario.  The CNO has changedtheir policy for Non- Practising Ontario nurses, such as those who havemoved to the US. 

Under thenew policy non-practicing Ontario nurses must convert their CNO membership to aregistration in the Non- Practising Class. This requires an annual fee.  Anurse registered in the Non- Practising class cannot practice nursing inOntario, not even in a volunteer capacity. These nurses also have a second option. They can resign their CNO membership. 

Onequestion that Marc and I have is whether this new policy will have any impacton Canadian nurses from Ontario at the time of their VisaScreen renewal.  Neither of us has yet had a nurse in the Non-Practisingclass apply for a Visa Screen renewal.

Ouropinion is that if an Ontario nurse allows his/her license to go inactive (byconverting to the Non-Practising class) or lapse (by failing to renew licensebecause they are not actively practicing in Ontario that this should have noimpact as part of CGFNS’ license validation. 

Marc alsopasses along additional notes about nurses returning to Ontario.

Ontarionurses who choose to maintain registration in the Non-Practising class need toapply for reinstatement of their CNO membership if they want to return toOntario to practice nursing.  The reinstatementprocess includes passing the Ontario RN Jurisprudence Examination.  The RN Jurisprudence Examination is an onlineexamination that assesses an applicant’s knowledge and understanding of thelaws, regulations, by-laws, practice standards and guidelines that govern thenursing profession in Ontario.  There isa $40 fee (CDN) to take the exam.  Thisexam is different than the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE), whichis the Canadian national examination that measures the competencies required ofnurses at the beginning of their practice.

ForOntario nurses who choose to resign their CNO membership, they can apply forreinstatement within 3 years of the date their CNO membership ended withouthaving to take any examinations, but would have to pay reinstatement fees.  However, if a nurse wanted to return topractice as a nurse in Ontario after 3 years from the date their CNO membershipended, it appears they would have to apply for licensure under the same processas first-time applicants.