In the mostrecent Visa Bulletin, for March 2016, the Department of State madeprojections for potential monthly movement in all categories.   Notably the DOS projects forward movement inall Employment-based categories for the April 2016 Visa Bulletin.
Here are the DOSprojections.  They have included a standard disclaimer, which we have included at the end ofthe excerpt.

EMPLOYMENT-based categories (potentialmonthly movement)
Employment First:  Current
Employment Second:
Worldwide: Current
China: Up to five months.
India: Up to three months.
Employment Third:
Worldwide: The rapid forward movement of this cut-off dateduring the past ten months should generate a significant amount of demand fornumbers. When such demand begins to materialize it will be necessary to limitmovement of this cut-off date.
China: Up to five months.
India: Up to one month.
Mexico:      Willremain at the worldwide date.
Philippines: Up to four months.
The above projections for the Familyand Employment categories indicate what is likely to happen on a monthly basisthrough June based on current applicant demand patterns. Readers should neverassume that recent trends in cut-off date movements are guaranteed for thefuture, or that “corrective” action will not be required at somepoint in an effort to maintain number use within the applicable annual limits.The determination of the actual monthly cut-off dates is subject tofluctuations in applicant demand and a number of other variables.