All foreign-educatedPhysical Therapists must be issueda Healthcare Worker Certificate prior to receiving a temporary (e.g. H-1Bor TN) or permanent visa, as per 8 CFR 212.15(c):. Two originations are permitted to issue theseHWC’s. CGFNSissues the Visa Screen, which is also issued to qualified Registered Nurses, OccupationalTherapists, and several other healthcare occupations. FCCPTissues the FCCPT Type I Certificate. TheFCCPT Type I is only issued to Physical Therapists.
The HWC verifies thatthe foreign educated Physical Therapist has (i) qualifying education, training,licensing, and experience; (ii) passed a qualifying English fluency exam; and(iii) passed the actual licensing exam (NPTE exam).
The FCCPT recentlypublished an update about their verification of Indian distance education. At issue is whether the educationalexperience is post-Secondary education and is not continuing education. Several criteria are now considered by FCCPT.
– Verification that the study center does notviolate the jurisdiction territory as outlined by the University GrantsCommission (UGC).
– Evidence that the study center is notfranchised. This means that it cannot be affiliated to more than oneuniversity.
– Verification that the University is in charge ofadmissions to the distance education program. Admissions cannot be done by study centers asper UGC regulation.
– That the program is authorized to be offeredthrough distance education by the Distance Education Council (DEC). Even thoughthe DEC has been disbanded by the UGC, the regulations stay in effect until theUGC publishes new standards.