The evolution of PhysicalTherapy educational continues.  Theprofession had long been governed by a Bachelors degree standard until the late1990s when universities raised their first degree to a master’s degree.  State licensing boards and the FCCPT followedand by the early 2000s the minimum entry degree into the profession was officiallya master’s degree.  In the early part ofthe decade the minimum educational standard evolved again.  It is now a Doctorate of Physical Therapy(DPT).
In concert with theevolution, FCCPT is also evolving their Course Work Tool to their sixth updatedversion (CWT-6).   The CWT-6 is the toolby which educational evaluators equate foreign-educated Physical Therapists.
The FSBPTCoursework Tool is used by credential review agencies to determine if anon-CAPTE educated PT’s education is substantially equivalent to aCAPTE-educated PT. The CWT was revised to reflect the new CAPTE standards forPT and PTA programs taking effect January 1, 2017. Changes in the CWT 6 includean increase in total credits required from 150 to 170 credits and an increasein clinical hours from a minimum of 800 to 900 hours.
Post-graduate workwill be considered in the evaluation. Again from their May 2016 News Brief:
Based on theFramework, the CWT 6 Guidelines for Interpretation will be revised to allowcredential review agencies to consider clinical, direct patient care, workexperience that meets certain criteria towards the CWT 6 required 900 clinicaleducation hours. There are a number of parameters and limitations included inthe Framework to ensure that the practice experience meets a minimal level ofquality. Post-graduate clinical experience hours requirements for physicaltherapists:
1. Completed anaverage of at least 20 hours per week for a minimum of 1,000 hours.
2. Completed 1,000hours in direct patient care.
3. Completed thehours within the most recent three years preceding the application.
4. Completed thehours within a hospital, rehabilitation center, or other facility that employeda minimum staff of at least three (including the applicant) practicing PTsduring the applicant’s clinical experience hours. Federation of State Boards ofPhysical Therapy Page 3
5. PTs employed atthe facility with the applicant must have been available for consultation.
6. At least one ofthe PTs employed at the facility with the applicant must have at least twoyears experience practicing as a PT.
7. Verificationthat the applicant was eligible to practice in the country in which theexperience was completed.
8. Verificationthat the applicant has had no disciplinary action against any professionallicense held for at least two years.
9. Notarizedverification of the work experience provided by a supervisor such as the departmenthead of the physical therapy practice or the director/head of the facility
Additionally, anyuniversity externship conducted under the supervision of a university PTprogram, credentialed residency or fellowship would be an acceptable option tomeet a deficit of clinical education hours. These are rarely available,especially outside of the US, but are an acceptable option. Typically, withinthe US, a participant in a residency/fellowship must be licensed and due to thelicensure requirement, a US residency/fellowship would most likely beunavailable.