MU’s Chris Musillo is one of the three presenting faculty members for the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s September 13, 2011 teleconference on Consular Issues impacting Immigration: India, Philippines, and China. Chris will be speaking on hot issues effecting processing at the US Embassy in Manila.
From the AILA new release:
Which are the consular posts that process the highest volume of visa applications? What are the most common issues visa applicants and their attorneys face when dealing with these posts? Are there ways to minimize the stress involved in processing H-1Bs and Blanket L and individual L-1 applications?
The seminar wraps up with a Q&A session and will cover the following topics:
- Common Issues with H-1B, Blanket L and Individual L Applications at Post India
- Common Issues Faced by Applicants In Consular Posts In China
- Overcoming 214(b) at American Embassy in Manila When Seeking a Visa to Take a Licensing Exam
- How to Deal with Delays Caused by Administrative Processing
To register for this teleconference, please visit the AILA website. The teleconference is approved for CLE credits in most states.