AMN Healthcare, oneof the largest healthcare staffing companies in the US, has recently issued asurvey that shows that almost two out of every three baby boomer nurses are contemplatingrecruitment.  A summaryof the survey is on the Staffing Industry Analyst’s webpage.
The main take-away:
Of those nursesover 54 who are considering retirement, 62% plan to retire within the nextthree years. Additionally, 21% of nurses over age 54 said they will switch topart time work.

Paralleling thismassive downturn in US healthcare workers is an expected boom in America’s demandfor healthcare services.  The number ofuninsured hasdropped by millions since the passage of the Affordable Car Act(Obamacare).  Foreign labor must be partof this answer.  Unfortunately thecurrent immigration scheme makes it very difficult to navigate a reasonable strategy.