In July, President Trump elevatedGen. Kelly from his initial cabinet position, Secretary of Homeland Security,to Chief of Staff. Despite plentyof time for golfing, the President then waited three months to nominate anew Secretary of Homeland Security. Finally,in October, thePresident nominated Kirstjen M. Nielsen for the position.
The Department of Homeland Securityoversees, among other sub-agencies, USCIS. USCIS, of course, reviews nonimmigrant and immigrant visa petitions.
Earlier this week, theSenate confirmed the nomination by the smallest margin ever for the position,62 to 37. For comparison’s sake, Gen.Kelly received 88 votes in favor and only 11 against, when he was approved bythe Senate earlier this year.
Ms. Nielsen reportedly comes withbaggage. She is caughtup in an ethics complaint. Theallegation is that she used a private consultant to help guide her through theSenate review process. The consultant,in turn, will now be seeking millions in federal contracts from Ms. Nielsen.
She reportedly was also not highlyregarded at her prior two positions in the White House and at DHS. Axiossaid that on Ms. Nielsen,
“Nielsen is not a beloved figure atDHS; just as she wasn’t inside the White House. She has a very sharp-elbowedapproach to doing business and doesn’t command anywhere near the respect thather predecessor, Kelly, did, according to more than half a dozen sources who’veworked with her.”