Politico says that the new Senate apparently is seeking to do what several prior Senates have been unable to do: craft meaningful immigration legislation. In the five years of this blog, we have posted dozens of stories in which comprehensive immigration legislation has been considered.

This latest effort has all the usual suspects saying all the usual things.

Chuck Schumer: “We realize it is a tough thing to do, but it is very important, and it’s worth a shot. We’ve been getting interesting, positive responses — from places you wouldn’t expect it.”

Lindsey Graham: “It’s in the infant stage; I don’t know what the political appetite is to do something.”

It remains to be seen if this is more of the same. The bright spot is that no law can be changed unless politicians are at least considering it.

No word on the viability of including immigration reform for healthcare occupations. However, the inclusion of the US Chamber of Commerce and Sen. Schumer likely mean that immigration for healthcare occupations will be on the table.