As the economyimproves, the nursing shortage will continue to escalate.  The reasons are many: Baby Boom Generation Demand, Aging NursingWorkforce, Few Nurse Educators, Distribution Challenges, and a lack of availablevisa for Foreign-trained Nurses. 
We may beapproaching the tipping point.  We are beginningto signs from all across the US that nursing shortages are impacting patientcare.  All of the articles linked belowhave been published in the last 10 days.
Alabama:“Schoolnurses in the Mobile County Public School System say they’re in a crisis. Manyspoke at the board meeting Monday night to explain how not having enoughnurses is putting children’s lives in danger.
SouthDakota:  “A shortage of registerednurses has become so severe at one South Dakota hospital that it’s actuallybeen forced to close hospital beds.
Oregonand Washington: “Oregon and Washington will be short a combined 13,000 registered nursesby 2025”.  This article cites the agingnursing workforce, the distribution problems, and the lack of nurse educators.
Georgia:“A nurseshortage has driven up wages, making it hard for nonprofits like hers tocompete.
Kentucky:“the onething abundantly clear is that the problem lies not only in putting students inseats, but in finding educators to get them to the cap and gown.