To little fanfare, the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy has announced that there will only be four National Physical Therapy Exam testing dates offered in 2013. The exam dates for 2013 are expected to be released in mid-2012.

The FSBPT is offering five exams in 2012 and offered three exams in the second-half of 2011. FSBPT notes that:

We understand and appreciate that more test dates – not fewer – is what our stakeholders would like. However, in order to maintain the validity of the exam and maintain the current score reporting process, we are able to offer only four dates in 2013.

FSBPT began fixed date testing on July 1, 2011, as a result of concerns over the security of the exam. The NPTE is only offered in the United States and is the only one of the three major healthcare licensing exams to have adopted a fixed date testing schedule. The NCLEX-RN (Registered Nurse) and the OTR (Occupational Therapy) exams are offered around the world and on most business days. Both the NCLEX-RN and the OTR exams have not had notable security breaches, unlike the NPTE.