In a recent decision, USCISdemanded FCCPT issue Type 1 Certificates ONLY to graduates ofuniversity programs whose diploma reads “Master’s Degree” and who have at least202.1 credit hours. Any graduate of aprogram that is equivalent to a US Master’s Degree will no longer be eligibleto enter the US and practice Physical Therapy. In 2017, applicants will need a DPT to obtain a Type 1 Certificate.
Type 1 Certificate renewals willnot be subject to this new ruling. Renewal applications do not examine education, but only licensure andverification of English proficiency. PTswith a current Type 1 can renew the Type 1 Certificate without being subject tothe new standard. However, if the Type 1expires, the PT will have to make a new application and will be subject to thenew standard.
Type 1 Certificates are valid forfive years from the date of issue. MU strongly advises PTs totimely renew their Type 1 Certification so that they can continue to maintaintheir immigration status and their ability to work in the US.