Overthe weekend a federal court in the State of Washington stoppedPresident Trump’s three part ban on immigration of certain nationals.  This Judge’s Temporary Restraining Order wasaffirmed by an appellate court shortly thereafter. 

Becausethis TRO is temporary, MU Law urges all nationals in the three classes listedbelow immediately to attempt to enter the United States.  The TRO could be rescinded at any time. If theTRO is rescinded, the ban will go back into effect, in part or in whole.

  •   Barring nationals of seven countries from enteringthe US for 90 days.  The seven countriesare: Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen.  These nationals are barred regardless ofwhether they have cleared background checks and hold valid nonimmigrant (temporary)or immigrant (permanent) visas.
  •   Suspending the U.S. Refugee AdmissionsProgram (USRAP) for 120 days.  This provisionalso says that once the 120 day period has ended, that the US government must prioritizerefugee claims “made by individuals on the basis of religious-basedpersecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minorityreligion in the individual’s country of nationality.”  Since Islam is the majority religion in many countries,this provision appears aimed at prioritizing Christians’ refugee claims, which PresidentTrump has stated is one of his goals. 
  •   Permanent suspension of all Syrian refugeesuntil such time as President Trump sees fit to lift the permanent ban onSyrians.