Since 2008, the UShas sought to harmonize the immigration laws of the Commonwealth of theNorthern Mariana Islands (CNMI) with the mainland US. Part of this initiative was the establishmentof a CNMI-OnlyTransitional Worker (CW-1) visa classification allows employers in the CNMIto apply for temporary permission to employ nonimmigrant workers who areotherwise ineligible to work under other nonimmigrant worker categories. The CW-1classification provides a method for transition from the former CNMI foreignworker permit system to the U.S. immigration system. The law also provides a CW-2 for dependentsof CW-1 visa entrants.
On June 3, 2014,the US Department of Labor announced that itwas extending this program through December 31, 2019. The CW-1 program had been set to expire atthe end of this year.
Philippinenationals make up a large number of the CW-1 visas that are granted. The US Embassy – Manila has a webpage dedicated toexplaining the CW-1 process.
The largest islandin the CNMI is Saipan, where 90% of the CNMI population resides. For this reason many people use the “Saipan”to mean “CNMI”.