On May 28, 2024, the USCISTexas Service Center temporarily suspended the intake of all petitions,applications, and other benefit requests due to widespread and severeweather. This temporary closure has caused delays in the delivery of allimmigration applications, petitions, or immigration requests sent to the USCISTexas Service Center.

Courier services willre-attempt delivery once the Texas Service Center re-opens, and petitioners andapplicants do not need to take further action. At this time, USCIS has notannounced when the Texas Service Center will re-open.

If a petition or applicationhas been returned to its sender, USCIS advises those petitioners and applicantsrefile at their earliest convenience. 

In critical situations,petitioners or applicants affected by the intake disruption may request filing flexibilities, bycalling theUSCIS Contact Centerat 800-375-5283. USCIS canconsider relief on a case-by-case basis. If your case has been affected by theTexas Service Center’s temporary closure, please reach out to your MusilloUnkenholt legal team to determine what the best course of action is in yourcase.