The October 9, 2014USCIS Headquarters Question and Answersession with AILA included a lengthy discussion on the issue of EB-2s for PhysicalTherapists.  The discussion was unhelpfuland did nothing to make progress son this issue. 
This issue is thatthe USCIS refuses to acknowledge that the five year, 150+ credits Philippinedegree is equal to a US Master’s Degree in spite of incredible evidence.  The USCIS’ refusal to do so means that PhilippinePhysical Therapists must file for an EB-3. We have bloggedon this topic in great detail.
This recent USCISQ&A shows the USCIS’ obtuseness on the issue.  Instead of articulating a common standard,the USCIS says,
Ratherthan make a blanket statement regarding the merits of degrees evaluated by the FCCPTto be the equivalent of a first professional degree in physical therapy in theUnited States, USCIS will analyze the educational credentials of foreignworkers practicing physical therapy on a case by case basis with dueconsideration being given to all submitted materials as well as to othercredible resource material.
“Case by case basis”is legal code for “we have no standard.” It simply is not that difficult analysis.