President Obama isreadying this year’s State of theUnion address.  The annual speech isgiven to Congress in late January.
Last year,he barelygave it a mention, stating, If we are serious about economic growth, it is timeto heed the call of business leaders, labor leaders, faith leaders, and lawenforcement – and fix our broken immigration system.”
Congressfailed to act on his mild plea and no immigration measure passed Congress.  Frustrated with Congress’ refusal to act, thePresident announced a large scale immigration reform measure in November, viaExecutive Action.
The broadproposal calls for immigration reform in a number of areas where the President believesthat he can act without Congressional action. About halfof the State’s Attorneys General have sued the President seeking to blockthe enactment of the plan outlined in November.
At thispoint it seems like the President and the Congress are unwilling to make anysteps toward a mutually acceptable immigration bill.  House SpeakerBoehner seems more interested in Taylor Swift GIF’s than meaningful legislativemeasures.